Не работает прикуриватель чери м11. Снятие и установка аккумуляторной батареи на автомобиль

Рассмотрены автомобили Чери Бонус, Чери Вери, Чери А13, Чери Фулвин, Заз Форза.

Блок предохранителей и реле в моторном отсеке.

Один из блоков расположен над аккумуляторной батареей.


1 — вентилятор;

2 — антиблокировочная система тормозов;

3 — антиблокировочная система тормозов;

4 — блок предохранителей салона;

5 — блок контроля кузова;

6 — стартер;

7 — генератор.

Блок реле расположен слева под капотом.

1 — реле вентиляторов (высокая скорость);

2 — реле вентиляторов (низкая скорость).

Блок предохранителей и реле в слоне Chery Bonus, Chery Very, Chery A13, ZAZ Forza.

Расположен с левого торца панели приборов за пластиковой крышкой.

Схема расположения предохранителей в блоке.


1 — реле фар ближнего света (RLY10);

2 — главное реле (RLY8);

3 — реле фар дальнего света (RLY3);

4 — реле топливного насоса (RLY7);

5 - реле компрессора (RLY9);

6 — резерв (RLY5);

7 — предохранитель лампы дальнего света левой фары, 10 A(FB20);

8 — предохранитель лампы ближнего света левой фары, 10 A (FB22);

9 — предохранитель лампы дальнего света правой фары, A (FB21);

10 — предохранитель лампы ближнего света правой фары, 10 A (FB23);

11 — предохранитель вентилятора, 15 A (FB17);

12 — предохранитель аудиосистемы, 10 A (FB02);

13 — предохранитель датчика кислорода, 10 A (FB18);

14 — предохранитель регулятора положения наружных зеркала заднего вида, 10 A (FB26);

15 — предохранитель модуля зажигания, 15 A (FB36);

16 — предохранитель прикуривателя, 15 A (FB27);

17 — предохранитель блока управления двигателем, форсунок, 15 A (FB19);

18 — резерв, 30 A (FB29);

19- предохранитель топливного насоса, 15 A (FB12);

20 — предохранитель компрессора, 15 A (FB13);

21 — предохранитель комбинации приборов, 10 A (FB09);

22 — резерв, 30 A (FB33);

23 — предохранитель модуля люка крыши, 20 A (FB05);

24 — резерв, 30 A (FB37);

25 — предохранитель блока управления двигателем, 10 A (FB15);

26 — предохранитель аудиосистемы, 15 A (FB03);

27 — предохранитель ламп индикации открытых дверей, 10 A (FB08);

28 — резерв, 20 A (FB34);

29 — предохранитель блока управления сигнализацией, 10 A (FB04);

30 — резерв, 15 A (FB28);

31 — предохранитель подушек безопасности, 15 A (FB24);

32 — предохранитель ламп заднего хода, 10 A (FB30);

33 — предохранитель кондиционера, 10 A (FB01);

34 — пре-дохранитель АБС, 10 A (FB25);

35 — предохранитель системы контроля давления в шинах, 7,5 A (FB06) *;

36 — предохранитель датчиков скорости, 10 A (FB11);

37 — предохранитель стар-тера, 30 A (SB02);

38 — предохранитель кондиционера, 30 A (SB04);

39 — предохранитель ламп сигнала торможения, 15 A (FB32);

40 — реле стартера (RLY1);

41 — реле кондиционера (RLY2);

42 — резерв (RLY4);

43 — резерв (RLY6);

44 — предохранитель выключателя зажигания, 30 A (SB01);

45 — резерв, 30 A (SB03);

46 — резерв, 7,5 A (FB31);

47 — резерв, 7,5 A (FB16);

48 — пинцет;

49 — предохранитель комбинации приборов, 10 A (FB07);

50 — предохранитель си-стемы диагностики, 10A(FB10);

51 -предохранитель блока управления двигателем, 10A(FB14);

52 — резерв, 15 A (FB35);

53 — предохранитель запасной, 10 А;

54 — предохранитель запасной, 15 А;

55 — предохранитель запасной, 20 А;

56 — предохранитель запасной, 30 А.

За основным блоком предохранителей в салоне расположен дополнительный блок.





Номинал, А



Центральный замок

Лампы задних противотуманных фонарей

Электростеклоподъемники задних боковых дверей

Лампы плафонов багажного отсека и подсветки проема правой передней двери

Лампа плафона подсветки проема левой передней двери

Электростеклоподъемники передних дверей


Лампы аварийной сигнализации

Действия в чрезвычайных ситуациях
Ежедневные проверки и определение неисправностей
Эксплуатация автомобиля в зимний период
Поездка на СТО
Инструкция по эксплуатации и обслуживанию
Предостережения и правила техники безопасности при выполнении работ на автомобиле
Основные инструменты, измерительные приборы и методы работы с ними
Система питания и управления двигателем
Система смазки
Система охлаждения
Система впуска и выпуска
Приводные валы
Ходовая часть
Тормозная система
Рулевое управление
Система отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования
Система пассивной безопасности
Электрооборудование и электросистемы
Каталог запчастей
Толковый словарь

  • Введение


    Chery М11/М12 (также известен, как АЗ, Chance/Niche, Cielo, Ove/Alve, Tengo, Skin/Skin Sport) был запущен в производство в 2008 году. Облик автомобиля был разработан при участии итальянского дизайн-ателье Pininfarina. Благодаря участию именитых дизайнеров, данная модель избавилась от одного из самых главных недостатков китайских автомобилей неоригинального внешнего вида. В серию были запущены сразу две версии автомобиля - в кузове седан (М11) и хэтчбек (М12).
    Chery М11/М12 - это изящный и элегантный автомобиль со стремительным силуэтом, неповторимой оптикой и с узнаваемой радиаторной решеткой. Машина выглядит динамичной, что выражено четкими линиями кузова и большим углом наклона лобового стекла.

    Салон автомобиля выполнен качественно и выглядит дорого. Он самобытен и самодостаточен. Эргономика водительского места продумана неплохо, а регулировок сиденья должно хватить для водителей самого разного телосложения.

    Водитель и пассажиры автомобиля максимально защищены, так как разработчики уделили много внимания безопасности, оснастив машину всеми возможными элементами как активной, так и пассивной безопасности. Так, при проектировании были предусмотрены специальные зоны деформации, что позволило предельно снизить риски получения серьезных травм при столкновении. В оснащение автомобиля включены ремни безопасности с преднатяжителями и полным комплектом подушек безопасности, включая специальные надувные подушки типа «занавески», которые при боковом столкновении защищают головы людей от ранения осколками стекла. Не оставили создатели автомобиля без внимания и детскую безопасность: задние сидения оборудованы специальными креплениями ISO-FIX для детских автокресел. В списке активных систем безопасности, кроме антиблокировочной системы с распределителем тормозных усилий, установлена прогрессивная система стабилизации, призванная исправлять ошибки водителя при управлении автомобилем, предотвращая снос и занос.
    Существует три комплектации Chery М11/М12. Так в базовую комплектацию «Basic» входят: CD-проигрыватель с поддержкой формата MP3 и интерфейсом USB, 4 динамика, ABS, система распределения тормозных сил (EBD), фронтальные подушки безопасности, сигнализация, кондиционер, электростеклоподъемники всех дверей, руль с кнопками управления аудиосистемой, регулируемая по высоте рулевая колонка, гидроусилитель и бортовой компьютер. Комплектация Comfort является промежуточной и, немного богаче базовой. Самая дорогая версия «Luxury» имеет в своем активе электроусилитель (из-за этого иные настройки рулевого управления в целом), 8 динамиков, систему стабилизации (ESP), 4 дополнительных подушки безопасности, автоматический кондиционер (климат-контроль), бескаркасные щетки стеклоочистителей, датчик дождя и света, подогрев передних сидений, расширенный набор регулировок для водительского сиденья и кожаное рулевое колесо.
    На машину могут устанавливаться три бензиновых двигателя объемом 1.6 л, 1.8 л и 2.0 л. Все эти агрегаты хорошо известной и неплохо зарекомендовавшей себя серии АСТЕСО. Надежность, неприхотливость и небольшой расход топлива, это три пункта, которыми можно описать данную серию двигателей. А доступность запчастей на рынке является приятным бонусом к остальным достоинствам. Двигатели (1.6 л и 1.8 л) агрегатируются с механической 5-ступенчатой коробкой передач. Также предусмотрен вариант с автоматической 4-ступенчатой КП, но только в сборе с 2-литровым двигателем.
    В данном руководстве приводятся указания по эксплуатации и ремонту всех модификаций Chery М11 (М12)/А3, выпускаемых с 2008 года.

  • Действия в чрезвычайных ситуациях
  • Эксплуатация
  • Двигатель
  • Действия в чрезвычайных ситуациях Chery M11 / M12 / A3. Замена предохранителей Chery M11 / M12 / A3

    3. Замена предохранителей

    Замена электрических предохранителей

    Электрические плавкие предохранители предназначены для защиты электрооборудования и электропроводки автомобиля от перегрузки и повреждений. При перегорании предохранителя замените его запасным предохранителем, рассчитанным на такой же номинальный ток срабатывания. Для проверки и замены предохранителя обратитесь к таблице, где показано расположение и назначение предохранителей.

    Перед заменой электрических предохранителей необходимо обязательно выключить зажигание. ВНИМАНИЕ
    При замене перегоревшего предохранителя обязательно используйте запасной исправный предохранитель, рассчитанный на такой же номинальный ток срабатывания, что и перегоревший. Использование предохранителя с более значительным током срабатывания опасно, так как может привести к перегрузке электрической цепи и повреждению электрооборудования автомобиля. Если новый предохранитель требуемого номинала перегорел, то это означает наличие неисправности в электрической цепи, которую необходимо устранить.

    M11 Maintenance Manual (Circuit Diagram Part) Contents Chapter I Instruction of Reading Drawings .................................................................... 4 I. Definition of Main Harness Connectors..................................................................... 4 II. Definition of Body Ground Point ............................................................................. 11 1. Definition of Ground Point ............................................................................... 11 2. Distribution of Each Ground Point and Major Modules .................................. 14 3. Pictures of Ground Points ............................................................................... 15 3.1. Ground Points of Engine Harness ........................................................ 15 3.2. Ground Points of Engine Compartment Harness ................................. 16 3.3. Ground Points of Interior Floor Harness ............................................... 17 3.4. Ground Points of Instrument Harness .................................................. 22 3.5. Ground Point of Air Conditioner Harness ............................................. 23 3.6. Ground Point of Negative Harness ....................................................... 23 3.7. Ground Point of Ground Harness ......................................................... 24 III. Description of Major Signs of Circuit ..................................................................... 24 IV. Supplementary Description of Circuit Diagram ..................................................... 25 1. Description of Power Supply and Ground Wire .............................................. 25 2. Circuit Color and Circuit Mark ......................................................................... 25 3. Definition of Major Controllers......................................................................... 25 V. Definition of Fuse ................................................................................................... 26 1. Numbering of Fuse and Relay ........................................................................ 26 2. Position and Function Description of Fuse and Relay .................................... 26 2.1. Engine Compartment Fuse and Relay Box .......................................... 26 2.2. Instrument Fuse Box............................................................................. 31 2.3. Fuse of Positive Fuse Box .................................................................... 32 3. Interior Circuit Diagram of Fuse and Relay Box ............................................. 35 Chapter II Control Basic Diagram of Circuit ...................................................................... 39 I. Starting and Charging System................................................................................. 39 II. EFI (Electric Fuel Injection) System of Engine....................................................... 40 III. Lighting System ..................................................................................................... 41 IV. Door and Window Systems (Without Anti-clipping Function) ............................... 42 V. Door and Window Systems (Anti-clipping)............................................................. 43 VI. Door Lock System ................................................................................................. 44 VII. Wiper System ....................................................................................................... 45 VIII. Exterior Rear-view Mirror and Rear Windshield Heating System ...................... 46 IX. Horn System and Reversing Radar System ......................................................... 47 X. A/C System ............................................................................................................ 48 XI. Combination Instrument and Auxiliary Instrument ................................................ 49 XII. CAN Network ....................................................................................................... 50 XIII. Audio and Sunroof System ................................................................................. 51 XIV. ABS System and Electric Regulating and Heating System for Seat .................. 52 XV. Definition of Main Control Module Pins ............................................................... 53 1. Definition of ECU Pins..................................................................................... 53 2 2. Definition of Front BCM Pins........................................................................... 54 3. Definition of Right BCM Pins........................................................................... 55 4. Definition of Instrument Pins ........................................................................... 56 5. Definition of ABS Module Pins ........................................................................ 57 6. Definition of A/C Control Module Pins ............................................................. 57 7. Definition of Radio, DVD and Guidance System Control Module Pins .......... 58 Chapter III Harness Diagram ........................................................................................ 59 I. Left Front Door Harness .......................................................................................... 59 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 59 (II). Description of Connector Pins .................................................................. 60 II. Right Front Door Harness ...................................................................................... 66 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 66 (II). Description of Connector Pins .................................................................. 67 III. Left Rear Door Harness (M11-3724510) ............................................................... 72 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 72 (II). Description of Connector Pins ...................................................................... 72 IV. Right Rear Door Harness (M11-3724520) ............................................................ 74 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 74 (II). Description of Connector Pins ...................................................................... 74 V. Engine Harness (M11-3724180) ............................................................................ 76 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 76 (II). Description of Connector Pins ...................................................................... 77 VI. A/C Harness (Self-owned Harness of HAVC Assembly) ...................................... 83 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 83 (II) Description of Harness Connector Pins ........................................................ 84 VII. Engine Compartment Harness (M11-3724010) ................................................... 87 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 87 (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins ....................................................... 88 VIII. Luggage Boot Harness (M11-3724120) ............................................................. 91 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 91 (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins ....................................................... 91 IX. Washer Nozzle Heater Harness (M11-3724550) .................................................. 92 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 92 (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins ....................................................... 92 X. Ceiling Harness (M11-3724370) ............................................................................ 93 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 93 (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins ....................................................... 93 XI. Instrument Harness (M11-3724030BA) ................................................................ 95 (I). Harness Diagram ........................................................................................... 95 (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins ....................................................... 96 XII. Interior Harness (M11-3724050BA) ................................................................... 114 (I) Diagram of Harness ...................................................................................... 115 (II) Description of Pin of Harness Connector .................................................... 116 3 Chapter I Instruction of Reading Drawings I. Definition of Main Harness Connectors 1. Relevant Definition Description Connector Pin End: generally, a complete connector is composed of two ends. Here, the connector pin end is defined as the end with pin. Connector Pinhole End: generally, a complete connector is composed of two ends. Here, the connector pinhole end is defined as the end with pinhole. Meanings of Number on Connector: the number such as 1, 2 and 3 on connector represents the pin No. of connector. For definition, only the first and last pins No. of one row of pin (pinhole) are required to be written out generally. In the Part of Definition of Main Harness Connectors, the pin end or pinhole end will be defined based on the principle of convenience and practicality. During defining, the pin end or pinhole end will be marked to facilitate reference of extensive readers. Take the harness as order to define connector. The main harness connector involved in a harness may be one end of this harness or one end of another butt harness of it. For the main harness connector involved but not defined in a harness, please refer to the Part of Its Butt Harness Connector. 1.1 Engine Harness Connector Instrument/engine (pin) 1 13 14 26 Note: Instrument/engine - Connector of instrument harness and engine harness. 1.2. Connectors on Instrument Harness Interior/Instrument A (pinhole) 1 13 14 26 Note: Interior/instrument A - Connector A of instrument harness and interior harness. 4 Interior/Instrument B (pinhole) 8 1 9 15 Note: Interior/instrument B - Connector B of instrument harness and interior harness. 1 12 Interior/instrument C (pinhole) 11 22 Note: Interior/instrument C - Connector C of instrument harness and interior harness. Interior/instrument D (pinhole) 1 8 9 15 Note: Interior/instrument D - Connector D of instrument harness and interior harness. 1 14 Interior/instrument E (pinhole) 13 26 Note: Interior/instrument E - Connector E of instrument harness and interior harness. 5 Interior/instrument F (pinhole) 13 1 26 14 Note: Interior/instrument F - Connector F of instrument harness and interior harness. 1 Air conditioner/instrument (pinhole) 8 9 15 Note: Air conditioner/instrument - Connector of instrument harness and air conditioner harness. Instrument/ air bag (pinhole) 1 2 3 6 Note: Instrument/air bag - Connector of instrument harness and air bag harness. 1.3. Engine Compartment Harness Connector 6 Front/interior (pin) 1 4 2 3 Note: Front/interior - Connector of engine compartment harness and interior harness. Front/nozzle heater (pinhole) 1 2 Note: Front/nozzle heater - Connector of engine compartment harness and washer nozzle heater harness. 1.4. Interior Floor Harness 1 5 Interior/rear bumper (pin) 4 9 Note: Interior/rear bumper - Connector of rear bumper harness and interior harness. 7 5 12 Interior/ceiling (pin) 1 6 Note: Interior/ceiling - Connector of ceiling harness and interior harness. 1.5. Left Front Door Harness Interior/ left front A (pinhole) 1 11 12 22 Note: Interior/left front A - Connector A of left front door harness and interior harness. Interior/left front B (pinhole) 1 5 6 12 Note: Interior/left front B - Connector B of left front door harness and interior harness. Note: The connector of “Interior/left front B (pinhole)” in the above figure takes the left front door equipped with anti-clipping window regulator; for the right front door equipped with window regulator without anti-clipping function, the terminal 2# of connector of “Interior/left front B (pinhole)” is empty. 1.6. Right Front Door Harness 8 Interior/right front (pinhole) 11 1 22 12 Note: Interior/right front - Connector of right front door harness and interior harness. Note: The connector of “Interior/right front (pinhole)” in the above figure takes the right front door equipped with anti-clipping window regulator; for the right front door equipped with window regulator without anti-clipping function, the terminal 2# of connector of “Interior/right front (pinhole)” is empty. 1.7. Left Rear Door Harness 7 Interior/left rear (pinhole) 1 8 14 Note: Interior/left rear - Connector of left rear door harness and interior harness. 1.8. Right Rear Door Harness 7 Interior/right rear (pinhole) 1 14 8 Note: Interior/right rear - Connector of right rear door harness and interior harness. 1.9. Trunk Harness Interior/trunk (pinhole) 1 6 9 Note: Interior/trunk - Connector of trunk harness and interior harness. 1.10. Explanation of Terminal Definition Explanation of Definition of Terminal in Basic Diagram of Circuit: Illustrate as follows: 1.10.1. “Instrument/interior/A/6” refers to No. 6 pin of connector A of instrument harness and interior harness; 1.10.2. “To anti-theft module A5” means to No. 5 pin of plug A of anti-theft module; 1.10.3. “To ECU25” means to No.25 pin of ECU. 10 II. Definition of Body Ground Point 1. Definition of Ground Point 1.1. Ground Point of Engine Harness G101: Terminals 80#, 61# and 3# of engine control unit. G102: Terminals 51# and 53# of engine control unit. G103: Terminal 2# of air conditioner clutch, terminal 1# of cam shaft position sensor, terminal 2# of speed sensor, terminal 1# of reverse switch, and terminal 2# of coolant position sensor. 1.2. Ground Point of Engine Compartment Harness G201: Terminal 2# of left front fog lamp, terminal 4# of left headlamp, terminal 2# of engine hood touch switch, terminal 1# of left headlamp regulating motor, terminal 2# of high pitch horn, terminal 2# of low pitch horn, terminal 2# of left front turn lamp, and terminals CE E1#, CE E8#, CE E5# and CE E9# of engine compartment fuse and relay box. G202: Terminal 2# of right front fog lamp, terminal 2# of front washer pump, terminal 4# of right headlamp, terminal 1# of right headlamp regulating motor, terminal 2# of right front turn lamp, terminal 3# of fan motor connector 2, and terminal 3# of fan motor connector 1. 1.3. Ground Point of Interior Floor Harness G301: Terminals 13# and 38# of ABS module. G302: Terminal 2# of brake fluid level switch, terminal 2# of anti-theft horn, terminal 1# of PP6 of front BCM, left seat heater, and terminal 4# of electric regulating device. G303: Empty G304: Empty G305: Terminal 4# of oil pump harness connector, terminal 2# of rainfall sensor, terminal 1# of left cosmetic mirror lamp, terminal 1# of right cosmetic mirror lamp, terminal 1# of front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch, terminal 4# of front wiper motor, terminal 2# of left front door locking switch, terminal 4# of left front door touch switch, terminal 4# of left rear door touch switch, terminal 3# of left rear door window regulating switch, terminal 11# of left front door window regulating switch, terminal 1# of left turn lamp, terminal 4# of electric 11 left exterior rear-view mirror, terminal 4# of left front door anti-clipping window regulator, and terminal 2# of driver’s seat belt switch. G306: Terminal 2# of oil pump harness connector (fuel level resistance), left seat heater, terminal 2# of electric regulating device, and shielded wire of both lines connecting microphone and hands-free cell. G307: Terminal 1# of left rear reading lamp, terminal 1# of right rear reading lamp, terminal 1# of high mounted brake lamp, terminal 2# of low speaker (coatrack) A, and terminal 2# of sunroof module. G308: Terminal 3# of trunk touch switch and lock actuator, terminal 1# of left rear tail lamp, terminal 4# of PP8 of rear BCM, terminal 5# of PP8 of rear BCM, and terminal 1# of trunk locking switch. G309: Terminal 1# of right rear tail lamp, shielded wire of connecting line of terminal 8# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment and terminal 5# of CCD camera of reverse radar, and terminal 2# of connector of license plat lamp. G310: Terminal B7# of air conditioner controller, terminal B13# of air conditioner controller, terminal 3# of right rear door touch switch, terminal 3# of right front door locking switch, terminal 4# of right front door touch switch, terminal 3# of right front door window regulating switch, terminal 3# of right rear door window regulating switch, terminal 4# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror, terminal 4# of right front anti-clipping window regulator, shielded wire of connecting line of terminal 8# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment and terminal 5# of CCD camera of reverse radar, terminal 2# of right seat heating device, and terminal 1# of right turn lamp. G311: Negative Ground of Rear Windshield Heater 1.4. Ground Point of Instrument Harness G401: Terminal 5# of diagnostic connector, terminal 2# of luminous regulating switch, shielded wire of both lines connecting microphone and hands-free cell, terminals 2# and 5# of warning lamp switch, terminals 5# and 8# of combination switch (wiper), terminal 1# of port of main frame of audio equipment, shielded wire of connecting line of terminal 8# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment and terminal 5# of CCD camera of reverse radar, terminal 1# of on-board hands-free cell, terminal 1# of spiral cable (steering angle sensor), terminal 2# of emergency power supply, terminal 1# of clutch switch, terminal 14# of spiral cable (horn button), terminal 2# of glove box lamp, terminal 1# of combination switch (turning, lower beam/upper beam and cruise), terminals of 3# and 6# of electronic stabilization system switch, terminals 3# and 6# of left seat heater switch, terminals 3# and 6# of right seat heater switch, terminals 1# and 6# of trunk opening switch, terminal 6# of lighting switch, terminal 3# of combination instrument, and terminal 3# of auxiliary instrument. 12 G402: Terminal A2# of electronic anti-theft controller, terminal 4# of diagnostic connector, terminal 4# of rear-view mirror regulating switch, terminal 6# of deflection angle sensor, terminal 1# of cigar lighter, terminal 4# of lower beam lamp height regulating switch, terminal 5# of combination instrument, terminal 5# of auxiliary instrument, and terminal 4# of tyre pressure monitoring system module (TPMS). 1.5 Air Conditioner Harness G501: Terminal 1# of speeder module. 1.6 Negative Harness G601: Ground point at the joint of negative harness and the body sheet metal of front wall. 1.7 Ground Harness G701: Ground point at the joint of ground harness and the body sheet metal. 13 2. Distribution of Each Ground Point and Major Modules (Engine comparment) G701 G201/ G302 G301 Transmission ABS Engine compartment fuse and relay box G202 G103 Engine G102 G601 Electronic anti-theft device (Instrument panel) Instrument fuse box Diagnostic ECU connector Hands-free G101 control unit (Pillar A) Front BCM (Right front door) Deflection angle position sensor (Pillar B) (Right rear door) G306 G305 G310 (Pillar C) G311 G307 Rear BCM Record changer G309 G308 (Trunk) 14 3. Pictures of Ground Points 3.1. Ground Points of Engine Harness G101: (under the instrument panel at the side of front passenger’s seat) G102: (under the instrument panel at the side of front passenger’s seat) 15 G103: (at the side of engine cylinder head) 3.2. Ground Points of Engine Compartment Harness G201: (at the left front side of engine compartment) Engine compartment harness 16 G202: (at the right front side of engine compartment) 3.3. Ground Points of Interior Floor Harness G301: (at the left front side of engine compartment) Interior floor harness 17 G302: (at the left front side of engine compartment) Interior floor harness G303: Empty G304: Empty G305: (pillar B of left front door) 18 G306: (pillar B of left front door) G307: (near the pillar C of left rear door) 19 G308: (at the left inside of trunk) G309: (at the right inside of trunk) 20 G310: (pillar B of right front door) G311: (near the pillar C of right rear door) 21 3.4. Ground Points of Instrument Harness G401: (at the place where the left body under the auxiliary instrument panel is) G402: (at the place where the left body under the auxiliary instrument panel is) 22 3.5. Ground Point of Air Conditioner Harness G501: (at the place where the right body under the auxiliary instrument panel is.) 3.6. Ground Point of Negative Harness G601: (at the place, in the engine compartment, where the body near the brake vacuum booster is) 23 3.7. Ground Point of Ground Harness G701: (at the place where the body at the underside of battery in engine compartment is) III. Description of Major Signs of Circuit Sign Signification Sign Signification Circuit connection Motor Connector Bulb Relay Switch control Shielded wire Resistance element Shielded wire Solenoid Ground LED Note: For other signs, please conduct specific confirmation according to the circuit and actual objects. 24 IV. Supplementary Description of Circuit Diagram 1. Description of Power Supply and Ground Wire BAT: Power supply line from the positive pole of battery (without passing through any fuse). IGN1: Power supply line directly out from terminal 2# of ignition switch. KL30: Power supply line (from the positive pole of battery) out from “B+” terminal of engine compartment fuse and relay box, only passing through the positive fuse (FB29 100A). IGN2: Power supply line directly out from terminal 30# of relay at ON position (R5). Acc: Power supply line (from terminal 3# of ignition switch) out from IP D1 of instrument fuse box. Acc1: Power supply line directly out from terminal 30# of ACC relay (R6). 31: Ground wire. ILLUM: Luminous lighting wire. 2. Circuit Color and Circuit Mark 2.1. Signification of Circuit Color B: Black P: Pink W: White Br: Brown R: Red Gr: Gray G: Green O: Orange L: Blue Y: Yellow V: Violet 2.2. Signification of Circuit Mark Secondary color Primary color Diameter of conductor (mm) 3. Definition of Major Controllers In this diagram for control principle of circuit, the “ECU” or “EMS” refers to engine control unit. In this diagram for control principle of circuit, the “BCM” refers to body control module. In this diagram for control principle of circuit, the “TPMS” refers to tyre pressure monitoring system module. 25 In this diagram for control principle of circuit, the “ESP” refers to electronic stabilization system. V. Definition of Fuse 1. Numbering of Fuse and Relay The fuse in engine compartment fuse and relay box are represented by “FB + number” or “SB + number”; the relay in engine compartment fuse and relay box are represented by “R + number”; the fuse in positive fuse box is represented by “FB + number”, and the fuse in instrument fuse box is represented by “IP FUSE + number”. 2. Position and Function Description of Fuse and Relay 2.1. Engine Compartment Fuse and Relay Box Schematic Diagram of Back of Box Cover: 26 FB5 Reverse lamp Exciting motor 10A FB1 Relay at ON position B+ 5A FB6 Ignition coil Engine control unit EMS FB2 Speed sensor R5 FB7 SPARE 7.5A FB3 OUTLET ABS pump FB8 ABS ECU 40A ABS controller ACC relay ACC RLY 20A FB4 Standby 5A FB9 SPARE R6 Ignition lock Standby IGNITION SWITCH Nozzle heater 30A Instrument R1 Air conditioner compressor electric box IP BOX 30 15A A/C CLUTCH Fuse puller 30A Standby Air conditioner compressor FUSE relay SB1 30A 30A PULLER R7 Sunroof 30A SUNROOF EMS main relay Oil pump relay Transmission EMS RELAY TCU R8 R2 Seat heater 15A Oil pump ABS power supply 15A Front oxygen sensor 5A ABS POWER EMS power supply 10A HO2S UP 7.5A EMS RLY BAT 30A Seat adjustment Rear oxygen sensor 10A HO2S DOWN POWER SEAT SB8 Air conditioner blower 40A 30A HVAC BLOWER Phase, charcoal canister EMS, 20A nozzle ACC Spare 10A R9 SPARE Left lower beam 15A LL BEAM Right upper beam Right lower beam 15A 10A RH BEAM RL BEAM Starter STARTER MOTOR SB3 30A R3 Upper beam relay R10 Air conditioner blower Left lower beam Lower beam relay R11 10A LH BEAM HVAC BLOWER RELAY R4 Front Layout: 27 28 Back Layout: 29 The engine compartment fuse and relay box is at left side of engine compartment. The specific function description of fuse and relay is as follows: No. Capacity Function No. Capacity Function FB1 5A Engine control unit EMS FB24 5A ABS power supply FB2 5A Speed sensor FB25 10A Standby FB3 20A Emergency power supply FB26 15A Left lower beam FB4 5A Standby FB27 15A Right lower beam FB5 10A Reverse lamp, generator SB1 30A Standby FB6 15A Ignition coil SB2 30A Engine FB7 7.5A Standby SB3 30A Starter FB8 5A ABS SB4 40A ABS pump FB9 7.5A Standby SB5 20A ABS controller FB10 10A Front oxygen sensor SB6 30A Ignition lock FB11 10A Rear oxygen sensor SB7 30A Instrument electric box FB12 20A Phase, charcoal canister SB8 40A Seat adjustment FB13 30A Air conditioner blower R1 Standby FB14 10A Left upper beam R2 Main relay FB15 7.5A Nozzle heater R3 Starter relay FB16 15A Air conditioner compressor R4 Air conditioner blower FB17 15A Oil pump R5 Relay at ON position FB18 7.5A EMS power supply R6 ACC relay FB19 10A Right upper beam R7 Air conditioner compressor FB20 30A Window motor R8 Oil pump relay FB21 30A Sunroof R9 ACC relay 1 FB22 10A Transmission R10 Upper beam FB23 15A Seat heater R11 Lower beam 30 2.2. Instrument Fuse Box Front Layout: (Spare) (Spare) Back Layout: 31 The instrument fuse box is at the left underside of instrument stand. The specific function description of fuse is as follows: Fuse No. IP FUSE1 IP FUSE2 IP FUSE3 IP FUSE4 Capacity 20A 10A 10A 10A IP FUSE5 10A IP FUSE6 IP FUSE7 Function Spare Front BCM, port of main frame of audio equipment, on-board hands-free cell, front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch Engine compartment fuse and relay box Lighting switch Fuse No. IP FUSE11 IP FUSE12 IP FUSE13 IP FUSE14 Capacity 20A Brake switch 15A Port of main frame of audio equipment, on-board hands-free cell 10A Spare 15A Spare Spare IP FUSE15 7.5A 20A Cigar lighter IP FUSE16 15A 10A Engine compartment fuse and relay box, seat heater switch IP FUSE17 7.5A IP FUSE8 10A Rainfall sensor, rear-view mirror regulating switch IP FUSE9 15A IP FUSE10 10A Diagnostic connector, electronic anti-theft device Combination instrument, auxiliary instrument, air conditioner panel, key touch switch harness connector Function IP FUSE18 10A IP FUSE19 10A IP FUSE20 10A Diagnostic connector, electronic anti-theft device Brake switch, deflection angle sensor, steering angle sensor Spare Front BCM, combination instrument, auxiliary instrument Air conditioner panel, high-low pressure switch Air bag controller 2.3. Fuse of Positive Fuse Box 32 PF1 terminal PF2 terminal PF3 terminal PF4 terminal PF5 terminal PF6 terminal Connection of positive harness of battery and positive fuse box: Connect “B+” terminal of engine compartment fuse and relay box Positive harness of battery Connect “PF1” terminal of positive fuse box 33 Connect generator terminal Connector starter terminal Positive harness of Connect “PF2” terminal of positive battery fuse box Connection of interior floor harness and positive fuse box: Connect “PF3” terminal of positive fuse box Connect “PF6” terminal of positive fuse box Connect “PF5” terminal of positive fuse box Interior floor harness 34 3. Interior Circuit Diagram of Fuse and Relay Box 1. Interior Circuit Diagram of Engine Compartment Fuse and Relay Box Engine Compartment Fuse and Relay Box Upper beam relay R10 PF1 terminal from positive fuse box (power supply) 85 86 30 87 FB14 FB19 86 85 FB26 15A FB27 15A 30 87 ABS power supply FB24 5A FB23 15A Seat heater SB4 40A ABS pump SB5 20A ABS controller SB8 40A Seat adjustment FB20 30A Window motor FB21 30A Sunroof FB22 10A Transmission FB25 10A Spare ST 4 I P FUSE3 10A 5 I G2 I P B2 I P A9 To IP D3 terminal 2. 5RW 1. 5R 1. 5R Interior/instrumentC3 To terminal 68# of ECU. To terminal 6# of connector B of fan controller. To terminal 50# of ECU. To terminal 5# of connector B of fan controller. To terminal 2# of lower beam lamp height regulating switch. To terminal 2# of left headlamp regulating motor and terminal 2# of right headlamp regulating motor. To terminal 32# of PE2 of front BCM. To terminal 1# of engine hood touch switch. To terminal 20# of PP3 of front BCM. To terminal 1# of low pitch horn. To terminal 1# of high pitch horn. To terminal 3# of ABS cell port. To terminal 2# of right front wheel ABS sensor. To terminal 4# of ABS cell port. To terminal 1# of right front wheel ABS sensor. To terminal 2# of left turn lamp, terminal 2# of left rear tail lamp, terminal 6# of warning lamp switch, and terminal 5# of PP3 of front BCM. To terminal 1# of left front turn lamp. To terminal 2# of right turn lamp, terminal 2# of right rear tail lamp, and terminal 10# of PP4 of front BCM. To terminal 1# of right front turn lamp. To terminal 4# of left rear tail lamp, terminal 1# of license plate lamp connector, and terminal 10# of PP4 of front BCM. To terminal 6# of left headlamp. To terminal 4# of right rear tail lamp, and terminal 12# of PP4 of front BCM. To terminal 6# of right headlamp. To terminals 6# and 7# of PP3 of BCM. To terminal 1# of left fog lamp and right fog lamp. To terminal 15# of PP3 of front BCM. To terminal 1# of washer pump motor. Spare (no wire is out from this terminal). Spare (no wire is out from this terminal). To terminal A8# of air conditioner (passing through terminal 7# of air conditioner harness port). To terminal 1# of outdoor sensor. To terminal B6# of air conditioner panel (passing through terminal 15# of air conditioner harness port). To terminal 2# of outdoor sensor. P2 To terminal 5# of left headlamp, terminal 3# of left headlamp regulating motor, and terminal 1# of lower beam height regulating switch. To terminal 5# of right headlamp, and terminal 3# of right headlamp regulating motor. G7 A1 A2 To terminal 25# of ABS module. To terminal 5# of left seat heater harness connector (seat adjustment). To terminal 3# of left front door window regulator motor and terminal 3# of right front door window regulator motor (for the vehicle without left/right front door anti-clipterminalg motor, no wire is out from this terminal.) To terminal 1# of sunroof module. To TCU (for the vehicle without CVT transmission, no wire is out from this terminal.) Spare (no wire is out from this terminal). E5 Ground through G201 of engine compartment harness. L15 FB13 30A To "+" terminal of blower. Air conditioner blower ACC relay R6 Interior/instrumentC5 0. 5RY E8 86 87 85 FB3 20A 30 FB15 7. 5A FB4 5A 86 85 Relay at ON position R5 FB1 5A 87 30 FB7 7. 5A FB8 5A FB9 7. 5A FB2 5A FB5 10A FB6 15A SB6 30A Ignition lock Starter relay R3 G21 K1 E13 K2 E7 G1 P9 G2 P8 G16 P13 P14 G11 P20 G12 P19 G13 P18 G15 P16 L1 E4 L2 E3 C2 E10 G14 P17 G3 P7 G4 P6 G5 P15 To left seat heater, terminal 3# of electric harness connector, and terminal 3# of right seat heater harness connector. To terminal 1# of ABS module. C3 C8 K4 P4 30 C1 To terminal 7# of ABS module. L16 D1 Interior/instrumentC2 1. 5R P3 Right lower beam lamp 87 I P A7 Interior/instrumentC1 1. 5R L12 Left lower beam lamp G6 2. 5RL I P FUSE7 10A I P D1 To terminal 7# of right headlamp. To terminal 24# of PE1 of front BCM. G18 0. 5RW 0. 5RL OFF 2 I G1 3 ACC P1 85supply of blower) Interior/instrumentC4 AM1 1 Right upper beam lamp 86 0. 5RW To terminal 6# of PP4 of 0. 5R front BCM. AM2 To terminal 2# of spiral 6 cable (to steering angle 0. 5R sensor at last). P11 ACC relay 1 R9 (power 0. 5RWG17 To terminal 25# of PE1 of front BCM. To terminal 7# of left headlamp. L13 Left upper beam lamp Lower beam relay R11 B+ Ignition switch 10A 10A SB3 30A FB18 7. 5A EMS power supply SB2 30A 86 85 87 30 86 85 87 30 Starter Engine Emergency power supply Nozzle heater FB10 10A FB11 10A E1 K17 To terminal 13# of ECU. SPARE (standby) G9 G10 G22 K6 K5 K8 E9 Spare (no wire is out from this terminal.) Anti-skid brake control unit SPARE (standby) Automatic transmission speed sensor Reverse lamp exciting motor Ignition coil Phase, charcoal canister, EMS, nozzle Front oxygen sensor FB17 15A FB16 15A SB1 30A 85 86 30 87 85 86 30 87 85 86AT control relay R1 30 87 85 86 30 87 Air conditioner compressor Engine control unit Oil pump relay R8 Air conditioner compressor relay R7 To terminal 33# of ABS module. Spare (no wire is out from this terminal.) To terminal 1# of speed sensor. (if the vehicle is equipped with AT, it also connects to TCU module; if the vehicle is not equipped with AT, it will only connect to terminal 1# of speed sensor.) To terminal 2# of generator, terminal 6# of left rear tail lamp, and terminal 6# of right rear tail lamp. To terminal 3# of ignition coil. Ground through G201 of engine compartment harness. J8 To terminal 1# of starter port. K9 To terminal 12# of ECU. K10 To terminal 14# of ECU. K11 K12 P10 K14 To terminals 44#, 45# and 63# of ECU, terminal 2# of air flow meter, terminal 1# of charcoal canister solenoid valve, and terminal 3# of cam shaft position sensor. To terminal 1# of oil injector of cylinder 1, terminal 1# of oil injector of cylinder 2, terminal 1# of oil injector of cylinder 3, and terminal 1# of oil injector of cylinder 4 To terminals B1# and B2# of fan controller. To terminal 2# of front oxygen sensor. K13 To terminal 2# of rear oxygen sensor. K3 To terminal 70# of ECU. C4 To terminal 3# of oil pump harness connector. J11 To terminal 69# of ECU. K7 K16 To terminal 1# of air conditioner clutch. Spare (used when equipped with AT). J3 Spare (used when equipped with AT). J9 Spare (used when equipped with AT). K18 Spare (used when equipped with AT). L11 To terminal B10# of air conditioner controller. Air conditioner blower R4 (blower with high speed) SB7 30A Instrument electric box Ground through G201 of engine compartment harness. Engine control unit Rear oxygen sensor Oil pump C5 To terminal 1# of emergency power supply. P5 To terminal 1# of nozzle electric heater harness connector 1, and terminal 1 of nozzle electric heater harness connector 2. K15 To TCU (for the vehicle without CVT transmission, no wire is out from this terminal). Transmission ACC EMS main relay R2 FB12 20A Ground through G201 of engine compartment harness. E6 Ground through G201 of engine compartment harness. E12 Ground through G201 of engine compartment harness. L14 To "-" terminal of blower, terminal B11# of air conditioner controller, and terminal 3# of speeder resistance. C6 To terminal D2# of instrument fuse box. 35 2. Interior Circuit Diagram of Instrument Fuse Box Instrument Fuse Box To terminal 4# of lighting switch. Spare (no wire is out from hear) Spare (no wire is out from here) To terminal G21# of engine compartment fuse and relay box. To terminal G6# of CE of engine compartment fuse and relay box To terminal 1# of rainfall sensor Ignition switch Interior/instrument C2 To terminal 5# of rear-view mirror regulating switch To terminal 6# of PP4 of front BCM. To terminal 8# of diagnostic connector To terminal 2# of spiral cable (to steering angle sensor at last). To terminal A4# of electronic anti-theft device Spare (no wire is out from here) To terminal a25# of air bag controller To terminal B8# of air conditioner panel, terminals 3# and 2# of air conditioner high-low/medium pressure switch To terminal 13# of combination switch, terminal 13# of auxiliary instrument, terminal 3# of tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS) module, and terminal 13# of port of main frame of audio equipment To terminal 31# of PE2 of front BCM Spare (no wire is out from here) Spare (no wire is out from here) To terminal 1# of brake switch To terminal 1# of deflection angle sensor Engine compartment fuse and relay box Interior/instrumentC1 To terminal 5# of spiral cable To terminal 3# of front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch To terminal 15# of PE2 of front BCM To terminal 15# of port of main frame of audio equipment, and terminal 10# of on-board hands-free cell To terminal 2# of cigar lighter Interior/instrumentC3 To terminal 4# of left seat heater switch and terminal 4# of right seat heater switch To terminals G17# and G18# of CE of engine compartment fuse and relay box Spare (no wire is out from here) To terminal 10# of air conditioner harness port (terminal B5# of air conditioner panel), and terminal 2# of key touch switch harness connector To terminal 11# of combination instrument and terminal 11# of auxiliary instrument B+ To terminal 16# of diagnostic connector To terminal A1# of electronic anti-theft device Battery Spare (no wire is out from here) Spare (no wire is out from here) Interior/instrumentB11 To terminal 16# of port of main frame of audio equipment To terminal 11# of on-board hands-free cell To terminal 2# of brake switch 37 3. Interior Circuit Diagram of Positive Fuse Box Engine Terminal To "B+" terminal of engine compartment fuse and relay box Front/interior1 To terminal A1# of fan controller To terminal 11# of PP8 of rear BCM Front/interior2 To EPS module (standby, empty now) To terminal 1# of PP7 of front BCM To terminal A3# of fan controller PF6 PF5 PF4 PF3 PF2 PF1 FB30 FB31 FB32 FB33 FB28 FB29 80A 50A 50A 40A 150A 100A Terminal Starter Battery 4. Mark Description In the basic diagram of circuit, “CE Letter + Number” represents one terminal (terminal represented by number) of one connector (connector represented by letter) of engine compartment fuse and relay box, for example: CE A2; “PB + Number” represents the position of outgoing line of positive fuse box; and “IP Letter + Number” represents one terminal (terminal represented by number) of one connector (connector represented by letter) of instrument fuse box, for example: IP A2. 38 Chapter II Control Basic Diagram of Circuit I. Starting and Charging System BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM SB6 30A FB5 10A CE K5 2. 5RL 2. 5R 16R 0. 5R To terminal 2# of spiral cable (connect to steering angle sensor at last) 0. 5R Interior/instrument C3 Interior/instrument C1 2. 5R CE B+ SB3 30A CE C1 1 2 PF 1 To terminal 6# of PP4 of front BCM 5 3 6 4 Code Gear CE G21 FB29 100A Interior/instrument C2 86 87 Interior/instrument C5 87 30 1 ACC Relay 85 R6 85 16R Harness connector of starter CE G17 87 86 30 85 Terminal 2 0. 5Br ACC relay 1 R9 (Power supply of blower) CE E8 Starter CE E5 FB13 30A 0. 5Br CE E1 Pressure regulator 0. 5Br 3 Battery To terminals 4# of left seat heater switch and right seat heater switch 86 30 PF2 To IP FUSE 4 (to terminal 4# of lighting switch at last) To IP FUSE5 CE G18 87 16R FB28 150A 86 I P A6 0. 5RY CE G6 ON position of relay R5 To IP FUSE 8 Interior/instrumentC4 0. 5RY 0. 5RY 16R 0. 5Gr R Instrument/engine 14 I P B2 2. 5R I P D1 I P FUSE7 10A I P A9 I P A7 I P FUSE3 10A 0. 5Br To terminal 16# of combination instrument 0. 5RL PF 0 1. 5RY 2. 5RW Starting relay 85 30 R3 CE E9 CE J8 2. 5YL CE L15 Interior/instrument B13 To A/C/instrument 12 (to "+" termianl of A/C blower at last) Generator 31 G601 G701 G201 G701 39 II. EFI (Electric Fuel Injection) System of Engine G202 G202 63 27 42 3 2 1 4 2 3 17 39 79 46 68 M Cooling fan 2 Cooling fan 1 1. 0RL 1. 5R 0. 5RL 3 3 50 55 3 2 2 1 1 1 I P C8 I P C20 1 Hight mounted brake lamp Instrument/engine 20 I P A13 I P A14 To 27# of combination instrument Right rear tail lamp (rear Left rear tail lamp (left brake brake lamp) lamp) 0. 5W CE K2 2 1 Connector 2 of fan motor 0. 5G M 1 Instrument/interior E15 Instrument/engine 10 1. 0Br 4 Speed sensor 1. 0Br 3 0. 75L 1. 5R 1 2 CE E7 Instrument/engine 1 0. 5Br 3 1 CE J11 4 Harness connector of oil pump 3 Fuel pump 0. 75L 0. 5WB 0. 5Gr B 0. 5BW 0. 5LY 0. 5LR 0. 5LW 0. 75GGr 37 6 47 1 0. 5BW Fuel injector 0. 75GR 7 2 Connector 1 of fan motor CE K7 3 28 18 36 48 A/C clutch 70 21 69 58 59 0. 5RL 45 0. 75GBr 0. 75GW 0. 75R 0. 75R 0. 75R 44 A2 4 A/C/instrument 11 I P D2 To terminal B8# of A/C panel I P FUSE9 15A 0. 35R CE E13 Camshaft position sensor 2 I P B1 CE K3 0. 5BW Cylinder 2 Fuel injector Fuel injector 0. 5R Cylinder 4 B5 Empty 87 A/C clutch relay R786 CE C4 0. 5Gr Fuel injector 14 87 30 85 I P FUSE11 20A t 2. 5Br 0. 5YR 0. 5R 0. 5R Cylinder 3 A4 2. 5G 2 CE K1 12 Oil pump relay R8 86 0. 85RY 1 2 1 2. 5Y 3 0. 5LY 1 0. 5R 2 + 4 5 - CE K10 Cylinder 1 13 30 1. 5Br 0. 5R t Empty B6 CE K9 0. 85RY 1 + 0. 5BW - 2 3 1 2 + 0. 5Gr B - 0. 5V 0. 75R 1 2 + 0. 75LR - CE C6 Interior/instrument B11 Front oxygen sensor 2. 5Br 1 2 + Rear oxygen sensor 0. 5LW - 0. 75R 0. 75R 0. 75R 1 2 Charcoal canister solenoid valve Coolant temperature sensor Air flowmeter 30 Engine main relay85 R2 SB7 30A I P C7 CE K6 I P D2 85 87 0. 5Br 86 I P C1 Interior/instrument B11 CE K14 CE K13 I P FUSE15 7. 5A I P FUSE19 10A 0. 5R 2. 5R A3 B2 0. 5WG A1 0. 5RL Fan controller B1 I P D3 FB2 5A 0. 5Br 0. 5R FB16 15A FB17 15A FB10 10A FB11 10A I P D3 Brake lamp switch 0. 5Y 1. 0R Front/interior 1 G307 G309 G308 I P FUSE16 15A CE C6 1. 0GBr CE K17 0. 5R 1. 0R 1. 0R CE K8 CE K12 SB7 30A 6. 0R Front/interior 2 6. 0R CE K11 FB31 50A PF5 CE P10 G103 G103 2. 5R FB12 20A FB18 SB2 7. 5A 30A FB1 5A 2. 5R FB6 15A G305 0. 5GL G103 0. 75Br BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM ECU (2. 0NA, Engine Contorl Unit) 62 81 3 61 80 51 53 11 71 1 5 1 N 2/ 3 Clutch switch Cylinder 3# 2# 4# CylinderCylinder 1# Cylinder Electronic accelerator pedal 3 2 High/low/medium pressure switch of A/C Power steering switch 0. 75Br 0. 75Br 0. 5BR A8 B1 Electronic throttle A7 Instrument/engine 17 0. 5Br 1. 5Br 0. 5OB 0. 5O 0. 5O 0. 35Br A1 0. 5RL 0. 35Br B2 B3 0. 75Br 0. 5RL Ignition coil 0. 5OB Engine speed sensor Knock sensor A4 Electronic theft-deterrent A2 0. 5B 3/ 2 Instrument/engine 13 Instrument/engine 26 0. 5Br 4/ 1 1 4 M S 1/ 4 2 0. 75Br 5 0. 75Br 3 CAN- LOW 6 2 K line 3 Power line 0. 5Br W 0. 5GY 0. 75WR 0. 5W 4 1 CAN- HI GH 4 Power line 1 Instrument/engine 12 Diagnostic connector Instrument/engine 2 2 A5 1 0. 5RL 76 0. 5R 75 K line 6 60 Instrument/engine 9 0. 5W 3 74 R line W line 2 Instrument/engine 4 0. 5WR Instrument/engine 6 Instrument/engine 7 0. 5GY Instrument/engine 8 4 67 0. 5GL 0. 5GBr Instrument/engine 5 2 0. 75GR 1 66 0. 75GB 2 65 0. 5BW 0. 5WR 0. 5GY Instrument/engine 3 1 64 78 0. 75GB 38 0. 75GR 54 0. 75GB 32 35 0. 75GR 73 40 0. 5WR 36 0. 5P 33 0. 5BW 16 0. 5LW 0. 5WY 20 0. 5LY 19 1. 5R 1. 5LR 34 0. 5GY 0. 5GW 15 0. 5WB 2 1. 5LW 5 31 G401 G401 G402 G101 G102 G402 CAN- HI GH CAN- LOW 40 III. Lighting System CAN_HI GH CAN_LOW 0. 5RY 2. 5R PP8 12 PP8 4 LI N2 PP8 5 2 4 I P B1 Rear BCM (Rear Body Control Module) LI N2 I P FUSE11 20A Interior/instrument D4 CAN- H PE2 18 PE1 24 0. 5R PE2 1 PP4 6 PP4 7 PE2 2 PE2 3 1 Instrument/engine1 Interior/instrument E15 Instrument/engine 10 PE1 25 3 0. 5RL PP8 11 0. 5Y PE3 9 I P C1 I P D2 0. 5GL Interior/instrument A25 PE3 18 Brake lamp switch Interior/instrument B11 Interior/instrument F14 Interior/instrument F1 I P D3 IP FUSE16 15A CE C6 Instrument/engine 19 5 0. 5YR 0. 5O Interior/instrument A24 0. 5OB 2 1 1. 0Br Right rear tail lamp (right rear fog lamp) Right headlamp adjusting motor 0. 5VW 1. 0YG 3 0. 5Br 1. 5Br PP4 12 5 4 Height adjusting switch of low beam lamp 0. 5G 0. 35GR 0. 75R PP4 10 PP4 11 4 CE P9 Interior/instrument A23 0. 75R PP3 7 1 Interior/instrument F19 7 Right headlamp (High/low beam) 0. 5Br 0. 5R Interior/instrument F6 0. 75YW 0. 75YW 6. 0R 0. 5RW 0. 5RL PP3 6 3 CE G1 1. 5Br 4 PP7 1 1 2 2 SB7 30A 1 5 CAN- L 3 Left rear tail lamp (left rear fog lamp) 1 CE L12 0. 35GW 5 Interior/instrument C13 Interior/instrument F17 To terminal 1# of bass speaker 1 (coatrack) 0. 5G 7 Left headlamp adjusting motor 0. 5YG CE L13 Left headlamp (high beam/low beam) CE C2 Interior/instrument F4 CE P2 CE P3 1. 0YG 1. 0YR CE L2 0. 5R CE L1 Interior/rear fuse 5 CE P1 4 CE E3 0. 75R 0. 5R 1 0. 75R 0. 5R 0. 75YW 1 switch Luminous regulating CE E10 4 CE E4 PF3 1. 5R CE P11 6 6 0. 75YW I P C17 I P A17 1. 0YR 1 1 I P A2 FB27 15A 0. 5RY IP FUSE4 10A 86 FB26 15A 1. 5Br 1 87 Interior/instrument C14 FB19 10A 1. 0Br FB14 10A 0. 5Br 1 FB33 40A 87 86 0. 5VW 2 CE K5 1. 5Br 1. 0Br Interior/rear fuse (Right front small lamp) 4 Right rear tail lamp (right rear small lamp) 4 License lamp connector 0. 5YL 4 0. 5YG 3 1. 0YG 2 2 1. 0Br 0. 5Br 1. 0Br 1. 0Br Right headlamp Left rear tail lamp Left headlamp (left front small lamp) (left rear small lamp) 2 Right front fog lamp Left front fog lamp PF6 I P FUSE18 10A FB5 10A To terminals 5 of left front and right front anti-clipping window regulators Low beam relay R11 Front/interior 3 0. 35GBr 0. 5GBr 0. 5Br 0. 75Br FB30 80A I P FUSE6 20A I P B2 85 30 High beam realay R10 G308 From terminal 6# of ignition switch, please refer to the corresponding parts of "Basic Diagram of Charging and starting system circuit" 30 85 0. 75Br From terminal 5# of ignition switch G308 G308 G309 G402 1. 0GBr G201 G202 G309 0. 5YR G202 2. 5R G309 0. 5P G308 0. 5VW G201 0. 5VR G401 G202 G201 From terminal 3# of instrument fuse box IP D 0. 5RY BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM 3 3 2 Left rear tail lamp (left brake lamp) High mounted brake lamp 10A 1 0. 5RY PE2 15 0. 5RY PE2 31 6 1 Right rear tail lamp 1 (right brake lamp) 6 Front BCM (Front Body Control Module) 7 PE1 19 1. 0YW 1. 0LY 0. 35GBr 0. 35LW 0. 35W 0. 35LY CE G15 1. 0R CE P18 Interior/instrument A26 Interior/instrument A21 0. 5R 2 2 1 2 2 Interior/right front 7 Warning lamp switch 0. 5R Left front turn lamp 2 Interior/right front A5 1 Left turn lamp Reverse switch 1 2 1 Right turn lamp Right rear tail lamp Warning lamp for right front door opening 0. 5Br 1. 0Br 0. 75Br 0. 75LB 0. 5Br 1. 0Br 1. 0Br 0. 5Br 0. 5Br 0. 5Gr Interior/right front 21 Reverse switch 1 G308 G307 G401 Interior/right front 21 G307 To terminal 9# of window regulator switch of left front door Interior/ceiling 10 0. 75Br 0. 5Br 0. 35Br Interior/left front A13 0. 5Br G302 0. 5Br 0. 35Br 0. 35Br Left rear reading lamp 6. 0Br G401 Interior/left front A13 2 Right rear reading lamp G401 Instrument/engine 18 To terminal 2# of rainfall sensor To terminal 1# of auxiliary connector of audio host machine etc., see the corresponding parts of "Basic diagram of Charging and Starting System Circuit" for details Left front door contact switch 31 1 Right front door contact switch 0. 75Br 1 0. 35Br 3 0. 35Br 2 0. 5Gr 6 0. 75Br 9 0. 3Br 10 2 1 Right rear tail lamp Glove box lamp 4 ECU Instrument/engine 18 Right front turn lamp 1. 0Br Warning lamp for left front door opening 0. 5R 0. 35R Left cosmetic mirror lamp 0. 35R 0. 35R Interior/trunk 4 0. 5R Right cosmetic mirror lamp Combination switch (Turn, high/low beam and cruise) 0. 5R Interior/instrument D7 1 Back light of front fog lamp (red) 1 Interior/left front A15Interior/right front 19 Interior/right front 16 0. 75Br 0. 35R Luggage boot contact switch and lock actuator Working of front fog lamp (green) 1. 0R Interior/ceiling 4 0 12 0. 75LY Interior/instrument E23 0. 75LB M CE P16 Interior/left front A21 1. 0LY Left 0. 5LY Right 0. 35R ON ( CRUI SE) Luggage boot lamp Engine 0. 5LB CE G13 Interior/trunk 5 Interior/trunk 6 Middle 58 Interior/instrument D3 Interior/instrument E26 Interior/instrument F12 Right front reading lamp Left front reading lamp Middle lighting lamp 220Ω 21 1. 0LY 1. 0YW 0. 35L ON Ignition lock cylinder lighting lamp Front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch Automatic return High Low Flash beam beam Right rear tail lamp (right reverse lamp) PP3 4 0. 5YW 820Ω 2000Ω PP3 5 0. 75YW 560Ω ON CON 0. 35L Interior/instrument E13 0. 35Gr 0. 75RY 1000Ω OFF ( SET/ -) PE1 6 PE2 6 0. 35Br 0. 35R Rear fog lamp Front fog lamp Headlamp Small lamp Back light of rear fog lamp (red) 0 12 Auto calibration tails (red) Close (Red) OFF ( RSE/ +) PE2 7 Interior/ceiling 9 0. 35Gr OFF ( CRUI SE) Working of rear fog lamp (yellow) 1000Ω ON ( SET/ -) 8 (Green) ON ( RSE/ +) 0. 35LR 0. 35LW 0. 35LR 0. 35Gr R 0. 35Gr W 0. 35GR 7 1000Ω PP3 19 PE1 26 Interior/instrument F3 5 2 Interior/instrument A22 Lighting switch PP3 2 0. 35BL PP3 14 ON 6 3 PP6 1 0. 35L 0. 35LR 0. 35G 0. 35W 4 PE1 9 PE1 8 OFF PE2 13 PE2 29 PE2 30 0. 35GW 0. 35GBr 0. 5RY 7 PE2 8 PE2 12 PE1 1 Left rear tail lamp (left reverse lamp) PE1 21 PE2 9 PE1 3 PE1 15 G305 G310 G305 G103 G401 G401 G201 G305 G308 G202 G310 G309 G103 G308 G309 G307 41 IV. Door and Window Systems (Without Anti-clipping Function) CAN-HI GH CAN-LOW BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM Left rear window regulator motor Right rear window regulator motor 1 Left front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 2 1 M M 2 Interior/left front B11 Interior/left front B4 1. 5LY 1. 5RY 2 1 1. 5RY Interior/right front 15 Interior/right rear 7 1. 5LY Interior/right front 4 1 2 1 2 2 Interior/left front 7 Right probe Left probe 0. 5BW Right front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 0. 5BW 1 Interior/right bumper 3 I nt er i or / l ef t f r ont 14 Interior/right rear 14 Interior/right bumper 10 Interior/right bumper 8 Interior/instrument A4 PP4 5 PP4 4 PP4 1 PP8 2 PP4 2 PP8 3 PP8 7 PP8 6 PE3 1 0. 5BW 0. 5Gr PE3 2 0. 5Gr B 1. 5WY 1. 5RY 1. 5RG Interior/instrument A5 Interior/instrument E14 1. 5WG Interior/instrument E1 PE3 10 Interior/instrument F1 PE2 2 Front BCM (Front Body Control Module) PE2 3 0. 5VW 0. 5VR LI N2 LI N2 0. 5VW 0. 5P PE3 9 Rear BCM (Rear Body Control Module) PE3 18 Interior/instrument F14 Interior/instrument E16 PE2 5 PE2 4 PE2 22 PE2 24 PE2 23 PE2 21 PE2 25 PE2 27 PE2 28 PE2 26 Interior/instrument E21 Interior/instrument F7 Interior/instrument E8 Interior/instrument F20 0. 35G 0. 35GW 0. 35BW 0. 35BBr 0. 35L Interior/instrument F13 Interior/instrument F26 Interior/instrument A20 Interior/left front B6 0. 35BW Interior/instrument A7 Interior/instrument E9 0. 35GBr 0. 35L 0. 35LW 0. 35L 0. 35LW Interior/right front 17 0. 35Gr W Interior/instrument F8 Interior/left front A8 Interior/left front A19 Interior/left front A9 Interior/left front A20 Interior/left front A10 Interior/left front A18 0. 35GW Interior/right rear 5 Interior/instrument F21 0. 35G 0. 35G Interior/right front 6 0. 35G Interior/right rear 12 0. 35B Interior/left front 5 Interior/left front 12 Interior/instrument E22 0. 35GW 0. 35GW 0. 35B 0. 35BW 0. 35BW Interior/instrument E7 0. 35Gr Interior/left front B1 Interior/instrument E20 0. 35LW 0. 35LW 0. 35LY 0. 5GBr To terminal 1# of left door lock switch To terminal 3# of left front door lock switch Interior/left front A7 Interior/left front A17 Interior/left front A6 Interior/right front 5 Interior/right rear 11 0. 35G 0. 35GBr 0. 35GW 0. 35GBr Window regulator switch of right rear door Window regulator switch of left rear door 0. 35W 0. 35GBr LOCK Interior/left front A22 0. 35W 0. 35Br 0. 35W 0. 35Br Interior/left frontA13 Interior/right rear 4 0. 35Br 0. 35W Window regulator switch of right front door Interior/left front 4 UNLOCK Interior/left front 11 Interior/right front 12 Interior/left front 2 Interior/right rear 2 Interior/right front 21 Window regulator switch of left front door 31 Interior/left front A13 0. 35Br From terminal 19# of front PP3 of BCM (see the corresponding parts of Basic Diagram of Lighting System Circuit for details) G305 G310 G310 G305 42 V. Door and Window Systems (Anti-clipping) CAN-HI GH CAN-LOW BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM M M 2 2 Interior/left rear 7 Right rear window regulator motor CE C3 Interior/left rear 14 Interior/right front 2 Interior/right rear 14 Interior/right front 4 1. 5RY 1. 5WY 1. 5RY 1. 5WG 1. 5RG Interior/right rear 7 FB20 30A 1. 5RY 1 0. 5VW 1 0. 5VW Right rear window regulator motor PP8 2 PP8 3 PP8 7 5 PP8 6 3 Interior/instrument F1 PE2 2 0. 5VW Front BCM (Front Body Control Module) PE2 3 0. 5VR LI N2 0. 5VW LI N2 0. 5P PE3 18 Interior/instrument F14 Interior/instrument E16 PE3 9 Anti-clipping ECU and motor Rear BCM (Rear Body Control Module) 4 Interior/left front B4 Right front anti-clipping window regulator PE2 5 PE2 4 PE2 22 PE2 24 PE2 23 PE2 21 PE2 25 PE2 27 PE2 28 PE2 26 Interior/instrument E21 Interior/instrument F7 Interior/instrument E8 Interior/instrument F20 Interior/instrument F26 0. 35G 0. 35GW 0. 35BW Interior/instrument F13 0. 35BBr 0. 35L 0. 35LW 0. 35LY Interior/instrument A20 Interior/left front B1 Interior/left front B6 0. 35BW Interior/instrument A7 Interior/left rear 12 Interior/right rear 12 Interior/instrument F21 0. 35GW 0. 35G 0. 35G Interior/instrument E9 Interior/right front 6 Interior/right rear 5 0. 35Gr W Interior/instrument E22 0. 35GW Interior/left front B2 Interior/instrument F8 0. 35B Interior/left rear 5 0. 35B 0. 35BW 0. 35BW Interior/instrument E7 0. 35Gr 0. 5GBr Interior/instrument E20 0. 35LW To terminal 3# of left front door lock switch To terminal 1# of left front door lock switch Interior/left front A8 Interior/left front A10 Interior/left front A18 1. 5Br Interior/left front A9 Interior/left front A20 0. 35GW Interior/left front A19 0. 35G 0. 35GBr 0. 35L 0. 35LW 0. 35L 0. 35LW Interior/right front 17 Interior/left front A7 Interior/left front A17 Interior/left front A6 Interior/right front 5 Interior/right rear 11 LOCK 0. 35G 0. 35GBr 0. 35GW 0. 35GBr Interior/right front 15 Left front anti-clipping window regulator 0. 35W 0. 35W Interior/right rear 4 Interior/right front 12 1. 5Br 0. 35Br 0. 35Br 0. 35Br Window regulator switch of right front door 0. 35W Anti-clipping ECU and motor 4 0. 35W 0. 35GBr 3 Window regulator switch of right rear door Window regulator switch of left rear door I nt er i or / l ef t r ear 4 5 Interior/left front A22 UNLOCK Interior/left rear 11 Interior/left rear 2 Interior/right rear 2 Interior/right front 21 Interior/left front B11 Window regulator switch of left front door I nt er i or / l ef t f r ont A13 31 0. 35Br From terminal 19# of PP3 of Front BCM (see the corresponding parts of Basic Diagram of Lighting System Circuit for details) G305 G310 G310 G305 G305 G310 43 VI. Door Lock System CAN_HI GH CAN_LOW BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM G302 From instrument fuse box, please refer to the parts of Interior Circuit of Instrument Fuse Box Anti-theft indicator lamp 1. 0Br Interior/left front B10 Interior/right front 14 Interior/right rear 10 Interior/left rear 10 I P A4 2 0. 35R Left rear door lock actuator Interior/instrument B4 PP3 13 PE2 10 0. 5G 1. 0G 1. 0L 1. 0Gr R Interior/instrument E19 PP4 3 Interior/left rear 3 0. 5G Interior/instrument E6 Interior/instrument F24 To terminal 4# of sunroof module 2 Interior/right front 3 Interior/right rear 3 0. 35W 0. 35W 0. 35BW 0. 5G Interior/left front B3 Interior/instrument F5 2 2 0. 5G 1 0. 35R Right front door lock actuator Right rear door lock actuator 2 1 PP3 18 1 Harness connector of key contact switch (key contact switch) Interior/left front B12 Interior/instrument F11 1 To terminal 3# of key contact switch Left front door lock actuator Interior/left front B5 1 1. 0L 1 1. 0L 0. 35R Anti-theft horn 2 1. 0L 1 2 0. 5L To terminal 10# of A/C/instrument PP3 12 PP3 3 Front BCM (Front Body Control Module) PE1 19 PP3 14 PE2 32 PE2 14 0. 35Gr B Interior/left front B6 Left rear door contact switch 0. 35Gr B 0. 35W Interior/left rear 6 0. 35L Interior/instrument E13 Interior/instrument E11 Interior/right rear 6 Interior/instrument F15 Interior/instrument A22 0. 35GBr Interior/left front B1 PE1 4 PE1 20 PE2 6 0. 35Gr B 0. 35BBr Interior/instrument F7 Interior/instrument F20 PE2 7 Interior/instrument E10 0. 35LW PE2 5 0. 35LY PE2 4 0. 75RY 0. 35Gr To terminal 2# of window regulator switch of left front door To terminal 1# of window regulator switch of left front door CE G2 Right rear door contact switch Interior/trunk 5 CE P8 UNLOCK LOCK Left front door lock switch Interior/trunk 6 Luggage boot open switch Interior/right rear 13 M Engine hood contact switch Interior/instrument A26 Interior/left rear 13 0. 35Br 0. 35Br Luggage boot contact switch and lock actuator 0. 35Br Interior/instrument E23 0. 35Br 0. 3Br Interior/trunk 4 0. 35Br Interior/left front A5 0. 35Br Interior/right front 7 Interior/left front A13 Right front door contac switch Interior/left front A13 31 G305 G308 G401 G201 G305 0. 5Br 0. 5Br 0. 75Br Left front door contact switch Interior/right front 21 G310 G305 G310 44 VII. Wiper System CAN_HI GH CAN_LOW HI Front washer 0. 35Br Increase of interval/sensitivity Front wiper motor I P FUSE8 10A CE P5 Interior ceiling 10 Decrease of interval/sensitivity To terminal 1# of left cosmetic mirror lamp, terminal 1# of right cosmetic mirror lamp and terminals 1# of front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch Interior/instrument A2 MODE 1 MI ST Front wiper Front washer pump motor 1CE P17 3 HI LO 300Ω 1. 2KΩ Front/nozzle heater 1 0. 5Br Auto return Anto return OFF 0. 5RY 2 Interior ceiling 7 Auto return 4 Washer nozzle electirc heater B I P A10 LO Aut o FB15 7. 5A I P B2 5 0. 5YR 1. 0Br Combination switch (wiper) 8 G305 G305 From terminal 5# of ignition switch 1. 5Br G401 G401 G202 0. 35Br BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM Washer nozzle electric heater A 2 Rainfall sensor Interior ceiling 1 1 1 2 2 High speed M Aut o Front/nozzle heater 2 OFF Interior/instrument F2 MI ST CE G14 Low speed Front/interior 4 0. 5LG 10 0. 5VW 6 7 0. 5VW 9 Interior/instrument F18 LI N1 3 1 2 Interior/instrument F9 Interior/instrument F23 Interior/instrument F22 Interior/instrument F10 PP3 15 PE1 18 PE1 7 PE1 10 PE2 20 PE1 28 PE1 17 PP3 17 1. 5G 1. 5R 0. 35W 0. 5VW PE2 19 0. 5VW 0. 35W 0. 35RG 0. 35Gr PE1 2 0. 35Gr R 1. 0RL To terminal 15# of auxiliary instrument PP3 16 Front BCM (Front Body Control Module) 45 VIII. Exterior Rear-view Mirror and Rear Windshield Heating System CAN- HI GH CAN- LOW CAN-L CAN-H BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM PE2 18 PE2 1 Front BCM (Front Body Control Module) A1 A/C Controller (A/C Control Panel) A6 A/C/instrument 6 From terminal 5# of ignition switch, plese refer to the corresponding parts of "Basic Diagram of Charging and Starting Systems Circuits" 0. 5OB 0. 5O A/C/instrument 8 PP3 10 PP3 8 I P B2 Heater switch Interior/instrument B10 Left-right switch I P FUSE8 10A 1. 5RB Interior/instrument D6 0. 5RB Interior/right front 10 Interior/instrument F16 Interior/left front A2 Swing downwards Interior/right front 9 Swing leftwards 0. 5RB Positive pole of rear windshield heater 5 Rear windshield heater Swing rightwards 0. 5G 3 Interior/instrument D5 7 0. 5W R Left/right Swing upwards 0. 5W G Interior/right front 20 I P A11 Motion direction switch 9 Interior/instrument A19 1 Interior/instrument D8 0. 5G Negative pole of rear windshield heater 10 Interior/instrument D15 Up/down Interior/right front 8 0. 5G 4 6 0. 5W Y 2 0. 5G 1 0. 5G Electric right exterior rear-view mirror Interior/instrument A17 5 5 0. 5Br 1. 5Br Interior/left front A3 Left/right Interior/right front 21 3 1 0. 5W B 2 Interior/instrument A18 4 Interior/left front A4 2 Up/down 4 0. 5GW 0. 35GBr Interior/left front A14 0. 5RY Electric Left Exterior Rear-view Mirror 0. 5Br Rear-view mirror regulating switch 31 0. 5Br Interior/left front A13 G311 G310 G305 G402 46 IX. Horn System and Reversing Radar System CAN_HI GH CAN_LOW BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM G401 G309 G201 FB5 10A CE K5 Bass horn 1 CE P14 0. 5OB 0. 5O Video camera of reversing radar 5 1 1 1 2 2 High pitch horn 0. 5BW 2 1 CE P13 2 0. 5Br Interior/rear bumper 7 Right probe Left probe 2 0. 5Br 0. 5Br 0. 5RY Interior/instrument D4 0. 5BW 0. 3Br 0. 5RY Instrument/engine 19 Interior/rear bumper 3 Spiral cable (Horn button) CE G16 Interior/rear bumper 10 Interior/rear bumper 8 Radio, DVD and guidance system control unit PE2 1 PE3 2 PE2 2 Front BCM (Rear Body Control Module) 0. 5LB 1 Interior/instrument D3 PE3 1 0. 5BW PE3 10 Interior/instrument F1 PP3 20 PE1 22 0. 5Gr B 0. 5Gr CAN-H PE2 18 0. 5R Interior/instrument E3 CAN-L Interior/instrument F25 Interior/rear bumper 9 0. 35L 8 0. 5W Auxiliary connector of audio host machine Interior/rear bumper 1 PE2 3 0. 5VW LI N2 0. 5VR LI N2 0. 5VW 0. 5P Interior/instrument F14 PE3 9 Rear BCM (Rear Body Control Module) PE3 18 PE1 21 To terminals 7# of left rear tail lamp and right rear tail lamp 0. 75LB I nst r ument / engi ne 18 2 Reverse switch 0. 75Br 1 31 G401 G310 G103 47 X. A/C System BAT IGN1 KL30 IGN2 Acc Acc1 31 ILLUM G501 G201 CE E5 2. 5Br ACC relay 1 R9 I P D3 I P FUSE7 10A G201 G310 G310 SB 30A (power supply of blower) 87 85 IP FUSE19 I P A7 10A CE C6 Interior/instrument C4 Interior/instrument B11 86 I P D2 CE L15 IP FUSE10 10A Interior/instrument B13 Speeder module 2. 5Br 30 I P C7 I P A4 2. 5YL 0. 5Br FB13 30A CE G17 A/ C/ i nst r ument 12 0. 5R Interior temperature sensor Solar sensor A/C/instrumen t 10 A/C blower R4 (blower high speed) CE L14 Interior/instrume nt B12 A/C/instrumen t 13 2 1 1 A/C/in strument 3 3 2 2 1 Blower 2. 5BR 30 87 85 86 Interior/instrument D2 Interior/instrume nt B7 CE E6 B3 B6 A/C/in strument 1 2 0. 5Br L 0. 5Gr V 0. 5Br V 1 B12 B1 A/C/instrumen t 11 + 0. 75Br 1. 0RL To terminal 17# o f Instrument/engine (to terminal 3# and 2# of A/C high/low pressure switch) 0. 5RL B5 B11 B7 A10 B8 Interior/instrume nt B5 A/C/in strument 7 A8 A/C/instrumen t 15 A/C Controller (A/C Control Panel) 5 1 3 5 3 1 2 0. 75V 0. 75VR 5 A1 B13 A6 0. 35GBr A/C/in strument 4 0. 5Br A/ C/ i nst r ument 8 0. 5O 5 6 A/ C/ i nst r ument 6 2 Defrost door (black) Bleed door (yellow) CE G5 CE P15 Exterior temperature sensor 0. 5OB Instrument/engine 62 Mode damper (white) 1 0. 5WL 4 A16 A12 0. 5Gr L 0. 5O 0. 5WG 0. 5Gr Y 4 0. 5VG 0. 5O 0. 5VG 2 0. 5VL 4 0. 5LY 0. 5WY 3 A13 B14 A17 A14 B15 0. 5Br G 1 0. 5O 0. 5Gr Y 2 A18 CE P6 0. 75VR A/C/in strument 9 A7 A11 A15 B16 CE G4 0. 75V Interior/instrume nt B6 A19 Interior/instrument D1 CE E12 CE L11 0. 5LB - Instrument/engine 81 Interior/exterior circulation door 0. 5O CAN HIGH 0. 5OB CAN LOW 48 XI. Combination Instrument and Auxiliary Instrument G402 SB7 30A G302 G401 G306 I P FUSE10 10A Interior/instrument B11 Self ground 0. 35Br Self ground 0. 5Br I P D3 I P D2 CE C6 I P FUSE18 10A Oil pump harness connector 2 Engine oil pressure switch I P A12 To 3# of sunroof module 2 From terminal 3# of speed sensor and terminal 59# of ECU 2 2 Brake fluid level switch Hand brake switch G305 G103 Driver seat safety belt switch Coolant level sensor Instrument/engine 20 I P C18 1 1 Interior/instrument A3 18 26 21 2 7 From terminal 3# of generator Interior/instrument A11 Instrument/engine 14 0. 5Gr R 0. 5WG 0. 5O (Speed output) 9 Instrument/engine 21 0. 35L 12 0. 35LY 3 0. 35LW 5 0. 35Y 13 0. 5Br 11 0. 35GBr 0. 5Br 0. 5RY 13 Auxiliary instrument 0. 5Br 0. 5RL 0. 5RY 11 12 To terminal 13# of auxiliary port of audio host machine 0. 5R 5 4 Interior/instrument A12 Interior/instrument A13 Instrument/engine 15 0. 5RL 3 0. 5R 0. 35GBr 0. 5Br 0. 5Br 0. 5RL 1 0. 35BGr To terminal 12# of main port of audio host machine 0. 35W 1 Fuel level resistance (Speed output) 1 1 3 0. 35Br G402 0. 35Br BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 Acc Acc1 31 I LLUM 27 19 16 TPMS Tyre Pressure Monitoring System module 15 2 30 0. 5O To terminal 19# and 20# of PE2 of front BCM and terminal 3# of rainfall sensor 29 0. 5OB 0. 5O Indication of front fog lamp Indication of rear fog lamp Indication of interior temperature Combination Instrument 0. 5OB CAN BUS LI N1 0. 5VW 1 CAN HI GH CAN HI GH CAN LOW CAN LOW 49 XII. CAN Network Steering angle sensor 3 2 Deflection angle sensor 3 4 5 ABS controller 6 4 Diagnostic connector Front BCM PE2 1 5 Interior/instrument A1 Interior/instrument A10 Interior/instrument A14 Interior/instrument A9 PE2 18 14 CAN_HI GH O CAN_LOW OB CAN_HI GH O Instrument/engine 13 OB Instrument/engine 26 CAN_LOW 6 30 Instrument/airbag 3 Combination instrument 62 81 Instrument/airbag 4 A/C/instrument 8 b37 29 b38 A6 A/C/instrument 6 A/C controller (A/C control panel) SRS module 2 1 A1 TPMS (Tyre pressure monitoring system) (With ESP function, namely basic diagram of CAN network circuits of vehicle equipped with deflection angle sensor) ABS controller 6 Diagnostic connector Front BCM PE2 1 5 Interior/instrument A1 Interior/instrument A10 Interior/instrument A14 Interior/instrument A9 PE2 18 14 CAN_HI GH O CAN_LOW OB CAN_HI GH O Intrument/engine 13 CAN_LOW OB Intrument/engine 26 30 Instrument/airbag 3 29 Combination instrument 62 81 ECU Instrument/airbag 4 Airbag/instrument 8 b37 6 b38 SRS module A6 Airbag/instrument 6 A1 A/C controller (A/C controll panel) 1 2 TPMS (Tyre pressure monitoring system module) (Without ESP function, namely basic diagram of CAN network circuits of vehicle which isn’t equipped with deflection angle sensor) 50 ECU XIII. Audio and Sunroof System G401 G401 G307 R2 R1 R1=22Ω , R2=910Ω , R3=910Ω , R4=1KΩ , R5=910Ω . R6=1KΩ , R7=1KΩ VOLUME UP R3 I P D3 VOLUME DOWN 1 R4 From terminal 2# of IP D of instrument fuse box From terminal 7# of PP4 of front BCM (power supply wire) I P FUSE18 10A Interior/ceiling 8 SEEK BAND /PICK UP R5 Interior/left front A12 0. 5B Interior/ceiling 3 SRC/HANG UP 2 Microphone 2 Interior/left front A1 1 G306 Interior/ceiling 2 I P C18 On-board hand free unit MUTE R7 Interior/instrument C19 MODE 0. 5Br IP FUSE2 10A IP FUSE12 15A 0. 5B R6 Left front door speaker A Interior/instrument A25 18 Interior/instrument C8 9 15 12 6 3 16 7 4 10 11 Left front door speaker B 0. 5R 0. 5W 0. 5RW 0. 5WR 0. 5G 0. 5V 0. 5L 0. 5GW 0. 5GY 0. 5W 8 7 10 9 0. 5RY Spiral cable 0. 5B Audio and hand free shortcut key switch 2 1. 0Br Right front door speaker A 1 0. 5GBr 0. 5LY 0. 5LW I P C22 2 0. 5O I P C10 Interior/right front 11 Interior/right front 22 11 10 1 4 5 12 13 Auxiliary connector of audio host machine 2 14 12 10 Right front door speaker B Interior/instrument C11 15 1. 0R 16 0. 5Gr Interior/instrument C22 0. 5OL Interior/instrument E5 Left rear door speaker Interior/left rear 1 Interior/instrument C10 0. 5Y Interior/instrument C21 Interior/left rear 8 2 3 5 Interior/instrument E18 0. 5GW 0. 5P Interior/instrument C9 Interior/right rear 8 4 Radio, DVD and Guidance System Control Unit 6 0. 5O 1 2 1 0. 5RW Main connector of audio host machine 13 0. 85Br 7 0. 5WB 11 0. 5G 9 0. 5L 8 Interior/instrument E17 Radio antenna Interior/instrument E4 1 2 3 21 Host machine /instrument (audio-red) Bass speaker A Bass speaker (coatrack) Host machine /instrument (audio-white) Instrument/interior (GPS antenna) Instrument/interior (radio antenna) 1 2 Right rear door speaker Radio antenna Instrument/interior (audio-red) Instrument/interior (audio-white) 0. 5WB Bass speaker B instrument Interior/right rear 1 GPS antenna 0. 5WB 1. 0RY 1 0. 5Br I P A18 1 Antenna A Radio and GPS antenna GPS antenna Disc changer 51 XIV. ABS System and Electric Regulating and Heating System for Seat CAN- HI GH CAN- LOW BAT I GN1 KL30 I GN2 ACC ACC1 31 I LLUM G402 G302 I P D3 FB8 5A IP FUSE16 15A SB8 40A CE G10 FB23 15A Terminal 6# of ignition switch (power supply wire) FB24 5A I P FUSE7 10A I P FUSE6 20A CE D1 I P C2 3. 0R 3. 0Br Spiral cable 2 7 33 1 6 5 ABS Module 5 1 Cigarette lighter Standby power Left rear wheel speed sensor Right rear wheel speed sensor Right front wheel speed sensor 31 3 6 G301 G301 G401 0. 5Br 1 0. 3Br 0. 3Br 2 Left front wheel speed sensor G401 Rear part regulating motor Fore part regulating motor Angle regulating motor Left seat heating and electic regulating equipment Forward-backward remove motor G402 G401 0. 5RW 1. 25R 2 Electronic stabilization syte, switch CE P19 1. 25Br CE G12 2. 5Br 1 2. 5Br 2 Red CE P20 1 Yellow 2 Front seat heating cushion 5 0. 3Br 4 1 1 1 3 2 0. 3Br 1 Input 1. 5Br 4. 0Br Output 6 Interior/instrume nt A15 CE G11 2 Yellow Interior/instrume nt A16 Left seat heating equipment 29 Red 31 13 3. 0GBr 38 0. 5Y 10 0. 5G 11 0. 5Br B 0. 5Br R 0. 5Gr 35 0. 5R 36 0. 5BG 4 0. 5YL 3 0. 5WY 0. 5GY 28 3 Interior/instrume nt B14 Steering angle sensor 27 1 3 4 Left seat heater switch G401 G306 Foward-lean heating cushion 25 Interior/instrume nt B15 4 5 1 3 6 Right seat heating switch 2 Right seat heating equipment 1. 25Br 1 0. 5Gr G Interior/instrume nt B9 0. 3GBr 1 Yellow 2 Red 3 0. 5Gr R 4 Temperature controller 5 CE C5 1. 25R 0. 5Br Front-lean heating cushion 4 Temperature controller Forward-lean heating cushion 0. 5R 0. 5R 4. 0R 1. 5R I P B3 5 Electric regulating switch 0. 3GBr 0. 5RW 5 6 I P A6 CE L16 2. 5RW 4 Heating and electric regulating equipment for left seat 0. 5R 3 2 Deflection angle sensor 0. 5RL 0. 5O 0. 5OB 1 0. 5O CE A2 FB3 20A I P C3 0. 5RL 0. 5O 0. 5OB 0. 5O 0. 5OB CE G7 0. 5OB CE A1 2. 5R SB5 20A 0. 3Br 0. 3Br SB4 40A G310 G401 52 XV. Definition of Main Control Module Pins 1. Definition of ECU pins Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin 1 Empty 42 Air intake temperature signal terminal 2 Control terminal of ignition coil 43 Empty 3 Ground 44 Power line controlled by main relay 4 Empty 45 Power line controlled by main relay 5 Control terminal of ignition coil 46 Control terminal of charcoal canister solenoid valve 6 Control terminal of cylinder 2 nozzle 47 Control terminal of cylinder 4 nozzle 7 Control terminal of cylinder 3 nozzle 48 Control terminal of front oxygen sensor heating 8 Empty 49 Empty 9 Empty 50 Control terminal of fan low speed 10 Empty 51 Ground 11 R line of electric theft-deterrent 52 Empty 12 Normalizing wire 53 Ground 13 Power supply line of ignition switch ON position 54 Signal of throttle opening position 14 Control terminal of main relay coil 55 Signal terminal of rear oxygen sensor 15 Engine speed sensor 56 Empty 16 Signal terminal accelerator pedal 57 Empty 17 Ground terminal 58 Signal of brake lamp switch 18 Signal terminal of front oxygen sensor 59 Speed signal terminal 19 Knock sensor 60 Signal of medium pressure switch 20 Knock sensor 61 Ground 21 Signal of brake lamp switch 62 Empty 22 Empty 63 Power line controlled by main relay 23 Empty 64 Electronic throttle motor 24 Empty 65 Electronic throttle motor 25 Empty 66 Electronic throttle motor 26 Empty 67 Electronic throttle motor 27 Control terminal of cylinder 1 nozzle 68 Control terminal of fan high speed 28 Control terminal of rear oxygen sensor heating 69 Control terminal of A/C clutch relay 29 Empty 70 Control terminal of oil pump relay 30 Empty 71 W line of electric theft-deterrent of electronic 53 31 Empty 72 Empty 32 Power supply terminal 73 Power supply terminal 33 Power supply terminal 74 Clutch switch signal 34 Engine speed sensor 75 Signal of high/low pressure switch 35 Ground terminal 76 Signal of power steering switch 36 Ground terminal 77 Empty 37 Terminal of air flow rate signal 78 Ground 38 Signal of throttle opening position 79 Terminal of camshaft position sensor signal 39 Terminal sensor temperature 80 Ground 40 Terminal of electronic accelerator pedal signal 81 Empty 41 Empty of water 2. Definition of Front BCM Pins 2.1. PE2 Harness Connector: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin PE2 1 CAN-L line PE2 17 Empty PE2 2 LIN line PE2 18 CAN-H line PE2 3 LIN line PE2 19 LIN line PE2 4 Lock signal PE2 20 LIN line PE2 5 Unlock signal PE2 21 Right rear window-down switch PE2 6 Right front door switch PE2 22 Left rear window-down switch PE2 7 Left front door switch PE2 23 Right rear window-up switch PE2 8 Right fog lamp switch PE2 24 Left rear window-up switch PE2 9 Front fog lamp switch PE2 25 Right front window-down switch PE2 10 Key insert switch PE2 26 Left front window-down switch PE2 11 Empty PE2 27 Right front window-up switch PE2 12 Headlamp switch PE2 28 Left front window-up switch PE2 13 Cruise switch (SET/-) PE2 29 Cruise switch (RES/+) PE2 14 Trunk switch PE2 30 Cruise switch (ON) PE2 15 Power PE2 31 Power PE2 16 Empty PE2 32 Front compartment switch 2.2. PE1 Harness Connector: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin PE1 1 Small lamp switch PE1 17 Washer positions of front wiper PE1 2 Washer positions of wiper switch PE1 18 Washer positions of wiper switch PE1 3 “AUTO” position of lighting switch PE1 19 Luggage boot contact switch PE1 4 Right rear door contact switch PE1 20 Left front door switch PE1 5 Empty PE1 21 Reverse lamp switch 54 PE1 6 Warning lamp switch PE1 22 Horn button PE1 7 Washer positions of front wiper switch PE1 23 Empty PE1 8 Upper beam switch PE1 24 Lower beam relay PE1 9 Turn lamp switch PE1 25 Upper beam relay PE1 10 MODE position of wiper switch PE1 26 Ignition lock cylinder lighting lamp PE1 11 Empty PE1 27 Empty PE1 12 Empty PE1 28 Electric heater of washer nozzle PE1 13 Empty PE1 29 Empty PE1 14 Empty PE1 30 Empty PE1 15 OFF position of lighting switch PE1 31 Empty PE1 16 Empty PE1 32 Empty 2.3. PP3 Harness Connector: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin PP3 1 Empty PP3 11 Empty PP3 2 Ceiling lamp switch PP3 12 Unlock (lock actuator) PP3 3 Anti-theft indicator lamp PP3 13 Lock (lock actuator) PP3 4 Right turn lamp PP3 14 Trunk motor PP3 5 Left turn lamp PP3 15 Front washer pump motor PP3 6 Front fog lamp PP3 16 Low-speed wiper motor PP3 7 Front fog lamp PP3 17 High-speed wiper motor PP3 8 Rear windshield heating PP3 18 Anti-theft indicator lamp PP3 9 Empty PP3 19 Ignition lock cylinder lighting lamp PP3 10 Rear-view mirror heating PP3 20 High pitch/bass speaker 2.4. PP4 Harness Connector: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin PP4 1 Left front window motor (up) PP4 7 To bass speaker PP4 2 Left front window motor (down) PP4 8 Empty PP4 3 Anti-theft horn PP4 9 Empty PP4 4 Right front window motor (up) PP4 10 Left small lamp PP4 5 Right front window motor (down) PP4 11 luminous regulating switch PP4 6 Power PP4 12 Right small lamp 3. Definition of Right BCM Pins 3.1. PE3 Harness Connector: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin PE3 1 Right probe PE3 10 Probe ground PE3 2 Left probe PE3 11 Empty PE3 3 Empty PE3 12 Empty 55 PE3 4 Empty PE3 13 Empty PE3 5 Empty PE3 14 Empty PE3 6 Empty PE3 15 Empty PE3 7 Empty PE3 16 Empty PE3 8 Empty PE3 17 Empty PE3 9 LIN line PE3 18 LIN line 3.2. PP8 Harness Connector: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin PP8 1 Empty PP8 8 Empty PP8 2 Right rear window motor (up) PP8 9 Empty PP8 3 Right rear window motor (down) PP8 10 Empty PP8 4 Ground PP8 11 Power PP8 5 Ground PP8 12 Rear fog lamp PP8 6 Left right window motor (up) PP8 13 Empty PP8 7 Left right window motor (down) 4. Definition of Instrument Pins Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin 1 Empty 17 Empty 2 Coolant level sensor 18 Hand brake switch 3 Ground 19 Driver seat safety belt switch 4 Empty 20 Empty 5 Ground 21 Fuel sensor 6 Empty 22 Empty 7 Speed input 23 Empty 8 Empty 24 Empty 9 Engine oil pressure switch 25 Empty 10 Empty 26 Brake fluid level switch 11 Power 27 Speed input 12 Instrument lighting 28 Empty 13 Power 29 CAN-L 14 Empty 30 CAN-H 15 Empty 31 Empty 16 Charging/discharging indicator lamp of battery 32 Empty 56 5. Definition of ABS Module Pins Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin 1 Power 20 Empty 2 Empty 21 Empty 3 Right front wheel speed sensor 22 Empty 4 Right front wheel speed sensor 23 Empty 5 CAN-H 24 Empty 6 CAN-L 25 Power 7 Power 26 Empty 8 Empty 27 Left front wheel speed sensor 9 Empty 28 Left front wheel speed sensor 10 Right rear wheel speed sensor 29 ESP lamp (output) 11 Right rear wheel speed sensor 30 Empty 12 Empty 31 ESP switch (input) 13 Ground 32 Empty 14 Empty 33 Power 15 Empty 34 Empty 16 Empty 35 Left rear wheel speed sensor 17 Empty 36 Left rear wheel speed sensor 18 Empty 37 Empty 19 Empty 38 Ground 6. Definition of A/C Control Module Pins 6.1. A Harness Connector: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin 1 CAN-H 11 Power of sensor 2 Empty 12 Negative terminal of interior/exterior circulation motor 3 Empty 13 Negative terminal of bleed door motor 4 Empty 14 Negative terminal of defrost door motor 5 Empty 15 Negative terminal of mode damper motor 6 CAN-L 16 Negative terminal of interior/exterior circulation motor 7 Panel lighting 17 Bleed door sensor 8 Outdoor temperature sensor 18 Defrost door sensor 9 Empty 19 Mode damper sensor 10 Control terminal of A/C blower relay R4 20 Empty 57 6.2. B Harness Connector: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin 1 Blower speed signal 9 Empty 2 Empty 10 Empty 3 Indoor temperature sensor 11 Blower drive signal 4 Empty 12 Solar sensor 5 Power 13 Ground 6 Ground 14 Positive terminal of bleed door motor 7 Ground 15 Positive terminal of defrost door motor 8 Power 16 Positive terminal of mode damper motor 7. Definition of Radio, DVD and Guidance System Control Module Pins 7.1. Main Port: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin 1 Ground 9 Negative terminal of right rear door speaker 2 Positive terminal of left front door speaker 10 Power of steering wheel shortcut key 3 Negative terminal of left front door speaker 11 Amplifier signal 4 Negative terminal of right front door speaker 12 Speed signal 5 Positive terminal of right front door speaker 13 Signal of steering wheel shortcut key 6 Positive terminal of left rear door speaker 14 Panel lighting 7 Negative terminal of left rear door speaker 15 Power 8 Positive terminal of right rear door speaker 16 Power 7.2. Auxiliary Port: Pin No. Function of Pin Pin No. Function of Pin 1 Reverse switch 9 Empty 2 Empty 10 Power of steering wheel shortcut key 3 Empty 11 Signal of steering wheel shortcut key 4 Positive terminal of audio signal 12 MUTE function signal 5 Negative terminal of audio signal 13 Power 6 Empty 14 Empty 7 Empty 15 Empty 8 Video camera of reversing radar 16 Empty 58 Chapter III Harness Diagram I. Left Front Door Harness (I). Harness Diagram 1. Left front door harness (M11-3724070; left front window regulator motor without anti-clipping function) Left front door window regulator switch 1 8 9 16 1 2 Left front window regulator motor without anti-clipping function 2 Left front door speaker A 1 12 Anti-theft Contact switch indicator lamp of left front door 2 1 1 4 1 2 Interior/left fornt A 1 Left front door speaker B Lock switch of left front door 1 4 11 22 Interior/left front B 1 5 6 12 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 Lock actuator of left front door 2 Electric left exterior Warning lamp for opening of left front left turn lamp rear-view mirror door 2. Left front door harness (M11-3724070BA; left front window regulator motor with anti-clipping function) Left front door window regulator switch 8 1 16 Left front door 9 speaker B 1 2 1 1 12 Anti-theft indicator Contact switch of left lamp front door 1 1 4 2 Left front anti-clipping window regulator Left front door speaker A 6 1 2 Lock switch of left front door Interior/left fornt A 11 4 1 22 Interior/left front B 1 6 5 12 1 1 2 1 6 Electric left exterior rear-view mirror left turn lamp 1 2 2 Lock actuator of left front door Warning lamp for opening of left front door 59 (II). Description of Connector Pins 1. Left front door harness (11-3724070; left front window regulator motor without anti-clipping function) No. 1 Connector Name Interior/left front A Pin No. Connect to 1 Terminal 1# of left front door speaker, and terminal 1# of left front door speaker B 2 Terminal 5# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 3 Terminal 3# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 4 Terminal 1# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 5 Terminal 2# of contact switch of left front door 6 Terminal 6# of left front door window regulator switch 7 Terminal 5# of left front door window regulator switch 8 Terminal 4# of left front door window regulator switch 9 Terminal 3# of left front door window regulator switch 10 Terminal 13# of left front door window regulator switch 11 Empty 12 Terminal 2# of left front door speaker A, and Terminal 2# of left front door speaker B 13 Terminal 1# of left turn lamp, terminal 4# of contact switch of left front door, terminal 11# of left front door window regulator switch, terminal 2# of lock switch of left front door, and terminal 4# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 14 Terminal 2# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 15 Terminal 1# of warning lamp for opening of left front door, and terminal 9# of left front door window regulator switch 16 Terminal 4# of lock switch of left front door 17 terminal 7# of left front door window regulator switch 18 terminal 8# of left front door window regulator switch 19 terminal 15# of left front door window regulator switch 20 terminal 16# of left front door window regulator switch Remark 60 2 3 4 5 6 Interior/left front B Left front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) Left front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) Terminal 2# of left turn lamp 22 terminal 14# of left front door window regulator switch 1 terminal 1# of left front door window regulator switch, and terminal 1# of lock switch of left front door 2 Empty 3 terminal 2# of lock switch of left front door 4 Terminal 1# of left front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 5 Terminal 1# of anti-theft indicator lamp 6 terminal 2# of left front door window regulator switch, and terminal 3# of lock switch of left front door 7 Empty 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Terminal 1# of lock actuator of left front door 11 Terminal 2# of left front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 12 Terminal 2# of anti-theft indicator lamp Interior/left front B4# 1 Interior/left front B11# 2 1 Interior/left front A4# 2 Interior/left front A14# 3 Interior/left front A3# 4 Interior/left front A13# 5 Interior/left front A2# 6 Empty Warning lamp for opening of left front door 1 Interior/left front A15# 2 Terminal 1# of contact switch of left front door Lock actuator of left front door 1 Interior/left front B10# 2 Interior/left front B3# 1 Interior/left front B1# 2 Interior/left front A13# 3 Interior/left front B6# 4 Interior/left front A16# 1 Terminal 2# of warning lamp for opening of left front door Electric left exterior rear-view mirror 7 Lock switch of left front door 8 21 Contact switch of left front door 61 9 10 11 12 12 13 Anti-theft indicator lamp Left front door speaker A Left front door speaker B Left front door window regulator switch Left front door window regulator switch Left front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 2 Interior/left front A5# 3 Empty 4 Interior/left front A13# 1 Interior/left front B5# 2 Interior/left front B12# 1 Interior/left front A1# 2 Interior/left front A12# 1 Interior/left front A1# 2 Interior/left front A12# 1 Interior/left front B1# 2 Interior/left front B6# 3 Interior/left front A9# 4 Interior/left front A8# 5 Interior/left front A7# 6 Interior/left front A6# 7 Interior/left front A17# 8 Interior/left front A18# 9 Interior/left front A15# 10 Empty 11 Interior/left front A13# 12 Empty 13 Interior/left front A10# 14 Interior/left front A22# 15 Interior/left front A19# 16 Interior/left front A20# 1 Interior/left front B4# 2 Interior/left front B11# 2. Left front door harness (M11-3724070BA; left front window regulator motor with anti-clipping function) No. 1 Connector Name Interior/left front A Pin No. Connect to 1 Terminal 1# of left front door speaker A, and terminal 1# of left front door speaker B 2 Terminal 5# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 3 Terminal 3# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 4 Terminal 1# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 5 Terminal 2# of contact switch of left front door 6 Terminal 6# of left front door window regulator switch 7 Terminal 5# of left front door window regulator switch Remark 62 2 2 Interior/left front B Interior/left front B 8 Terminal 4# of left front door window regulator switch 9 Terminal 3# of left front door window regulator switch 10 Terminal 13# of left front door window regulator switch 11 Empty 12 Terminal 2# of left front door speaker A, and terminal 2# of left front door speaker B 13 Terminal 1# of left turn lamp, terminal 4# of contact switch of left front door, terminal 11# of left front door window regulator switch, terminal 2# of lock switch of left front door, and terminal 4# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 14 terminal 2# of electric left exterior rear-view mirror 15 Terminal 1# of warning lamp for opening of left front door, and terminal 9# of left front door window regulator switch 16 Terminal 4# of lock switch of left front door 17 Terminal 7# of left front door window regulator switch 18 Terminal 8# of left front door window regulator switch 19 Terminal 15# of left front door window regulator switch 20 Terminal 16# of left front door window regulator switch 21 Terminal 2# of left turn lamp 22 Terminal 14# of left front door window regulator switch 1 Terminal 1# of left front door window regulator switch, and terminal 1# of lock switch of left front door 2 Terminal 5# of left front anti-clipterminalg window regulator 3 Terminal 2# of lock actuator of left front door 4 Terminal 3# of lock actuator of left front door 5 Terminal 1# of anti-theft indicator lamp 6 Terminal 2# of left front door window regulator switch, and terminal 3# of lock switch of left front door 7 Empty 8 Empty 9 Empty 63 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Left front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 10 Terminal 1# of lock actuator of left front door 11 Terminal 4# of left front anti-clipping window regulator 12 Terminal 2# of anti-theft indicator lamp 1 Interior/left front B4# 2 Interior/left front B11# 1 Interior/left front A4# 2 Interior/left front A14# 3 Interior/left front A3# 4 Interior/left front A13# 5 Interior/left front A2# 6 Empty Warning lamp for opening of left front door 1 Interior/left front A15# 2 Terminal 1# of contact switch of left front door Lock actuator of left front door 1 Interior/left front B10# 2 Interior/left front B3# 1 Interior/left front B1# 2 Interior/left front A13# 3 Interior/left front B6# 4 Interior/left front A16# 1 Terminal 2# of warning lamp for opening of left front door 2 Interior/left front A5# 3 Empty 4 Interior/left front A13# 1 Interior/left front B5# 2 Interior/left front B12# 1 Interior/left front A1# 2 Interior/left front A12# 1 Interior/left front A1# 2 Interior/left front A12# 1 Interior/left front B1# 2 Interior/left front B6# 3 Interior/left front A9# 4 Interior/left front A8# 5 Interior/left front A7# 6 Interior/left front A6# 7 Interior/left front A17# 8 Interior/left front A18# 9 Interior/left front A15# 10 Empty 11 Interior/left front A13# Electric left exterior rear-view mirror Lock switch of left front door Contact switch of left front door Anti-theft indicator lamp Left front door speaker A Left front door speaker B Left front door window regulator switch 64 12 13 Left front door window regulator switch Left front anti-clipping window regulator 12 Empty 13 Interior/left front A10# 14 Interior/left front A22# 15 Interior/left front A19# 16 Interior/left front A20# 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Interior/left front B4# 4 Interior/left front B11# 5 Interior/left front B2# 6 Empty 65 II. Right Front Door Harness (I). Harness Diagram 1. Right front door harness (M11-3724080; right front window regulator motor without anti-clipping function) Right front window regulator switch 1 6 5 10 Right front door speaker B Contact switch of 1 right front door 2 4 1 Right front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 2 1 1 2 Right front door speaker A Interior/right front 11 1 22 12 4 1 Lock switch of right front door 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 6 Electric right exterior rear-view mirror Right turn lamp Lock actuator of right front door Warning lamp for opening of right front door 2. Right front door harness (M11-3724080BA; right front window regulator motor with anti-clipping function) Right front window regulator switch 1 6 5 10 Right front anti-clipping window regulator 1 6 1 2 Right front door speaker A Interior/right front 11 1 22 12 Right front door speaker B Contact switch of 1 right front door 2 4 1 4 1 Lock switch of right front door 1 2 1 2 1 6 1 2 Electric right exterior Warning lamp for opening of right front Right turn lamp rear-view mirror door Lock actuator of right front door 66 (II). Description of Connector Pins 1. Right front door harness (M11-3724080; right front window regulator motor without anti-clipping function) No. 1 Connector Name Interior/right front Pin No. Connect to 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Terminal 2# of lock actuator of right front door 4 Terminal 1# of right front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 5 Terminal 1# of right front window regulator switch 6 Terminal 6# of right front window regulator switch 7 Terminal 2# of contact switch of right front door 8 Terminal 2# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror 9 Terminal 3# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror 10 Terminal 5# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror 11 Terminal 1# of right front door speaker A, terminal 1# of right front door speaker B 12 Terminal 9# of right front window regulator switch 13 Empty 14 Terminal 1# of lock actuator of right front door 15 Terminal 2# of right front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 16 Terminal 2# of right turn lamp 17 Terminal 7# of right front window regulator switch 18 Terminal 1# of lock switch of right front door 19 Terminal 1# of warning lamp for opening of right front door 20 Terminal 1# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror Remark 67 21 Terminal 4# of contact switch of right front door, terminal 3# of lock switch of right front door, terminal 1# of right turn lamp, terminal 3# of right front window regulator switch, and terminal 4# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror 22 Terminal 2# of right front door speaker A, and terminal 2# of right front door speaker B 1 Interior/right front 21# 2 Interior/right front 16# 1 Interior/right front 20# 2 Interior/right front 8# 3 Interior/right front 9# 4 Interior/right front 21# 5 Interior/right front 10# 6 Empty 1 Interior/right front 19# 2 4 Warning lamp for opening of right front door Terminal 1# of contact switch of right front door 1 Interior/right front 14# 5 Lock actuator of right front door 2 Interior/right front 3# 1 Interior/right front 18# 6 Lock switch of right front door 2 Empty 3 Interior/right front 21# 4 Empty 1 Terminal 2# of warning lamp for opening of right front door 2 Interior/right front 7# 3 Empty 4 Interior/right front 21# 1 Interior/right front 11# 8 Right front door speaker A 2 Interior/right front 22# 1 Interior/right front 11# 9 Right front door speaker A 2 Interior/right front 22# 1 Interior/right front 5# 10 Right front window regulator switch 2 Empty 3 Interior/right front 21# 4 Empty 2 Right turn lamp Electric right exterior rear-view mirror 3 7 Contact switch of right front door 68 11 Right front window regulator motor (without anti-clipping function) 5 Empty 6 Interior/right front 6# 7 Interior/right front 17# 8 Empty 9 Interior/right front 12# 10 Empty 1 Interior/right front 4# 2 Interior/right front 15# 2. Right front door harness (M11-3724080BA; right front window regulator motor with anti-clipping function) No. 1 Connector Name Interior/right front Pin No. Connect to 1 Empty 2 Terminal 5# of right front ani-clipping window regulator 3 Terminal 2# of lock actuator of right front door 4 Terminal 3# of right front anti-clipping window regulator 5 Terminal 1# of right front window regulator switch 6 Terminal 6# of right front window regulator switch 7 Terminal 2# of contact switch of right front door 8 Terminal 2# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror 9 Terminal 3# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror 10 Terminal 5# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror 11 Terminal 1# of right front door speaker A, and terminal 1# of right front door speaker B 12 Terminal 9# of right front window regulator switch 13 Empty 14 Terminal 1# of lock actuator of right front door 15 Terminal 4# of right front anti-clipping window regulator Remark 69 16 Terminal 2# of right turn lamp 17 Terminal 7# of right front window regulator switch 18 Terminal 1# of lock switch of right front door 19 Terminal 1# of warning lamp for opening of right front door 20 Terminal 1# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror 21 Terminal 4# of contact switch of right front door, terminal 3# of lock switch of right front door, terminal 1# of right turn lamp, terminal 3# of right front window regulator switch, and terminal 4# of electric right exterior rear-view mirror 22 Terminal 2# of right front door speaker A, and terminal 2# of right front door speaker B 1 Interior/right front 21# 2 Interior/right front 16# 1 Interior/right front 20# 2 Interior/right front 8# 3 Interior/right front 9# 4 Interior/right front 21# 5 Interior/right front 10# 6 Empty 1 Interior/right front 19# 2 4 Warning lamp for opening of right front door Terminal 1# of contact switch of right front door 1 Interior/right front 14# 5 Lock actuator of right front door 2 Interior/right front 3# 1 Interior/right front 18# 6 Lock switch of right front door 2 Empty 3 Interior/right front 21# 4 Empty 1 Terminal 2# of warning lamp for opening of right front door 2 Interior/right front 7# 3 Empty 4 Interior/right front 21# 1 Interior/right front 11# 1 2 3 7 8 Interior/right front Right turn lamp Electric right exterior rear-view mirror Contact switch of right front door Right front 70 9 10 11 11 door speaker A 2 Interior/right front 22# Right front door speaker A 1 Interior/right front 11# 2 Interior/right front 22# 1 Interior/right front 5# 2 Empty 3 Interior/right front 21# 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Interior/right front 6# 7 Interior/right front 17# 8 Empty 9 Interior/right front 12# 10 Empty Right front anti-clipping window regulator 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Interior/right front 4# 4 Interior/right front 15# Right front anti-clipping window regulator 5 Interior/right front 2# 6 Empty Right front window regulator switch 71 III. Left Rear Door Harness (M11-3724510) (I). Harness Diagram Left rear door window regulator switch 1 6 Left rear window regulator motor 1 2 10 5 Interior/left rear 1 Left rear door 2 speaker Lock actuator of left rear door 2 1 Contact switch of left rear4door 1 7 14 1 8 (II). Description of Connector Pins No. 1 2 Connector Name Left rear window regulator motor Left rear door window regulator switch Pin No. 1 Connection Remark Interior/left rear 7 Interior/left rear 14 2 1 Interior/left rear 11 2 Empty 3 Interior/left rear 2 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Interior/left rear 5 7 Interior/left rear 12 8 Empty 9 Interior/left rear 4 10 Empty 3 Left rear speaker 1 Interior/left rear 1 2 Interior/left rear 8 Lock actuator of left rear door 1 Interior/left rear 10 4 2 Interior/left rear 3 72 5 6 6 Contact switch of left rear door Interior/left rear Interior/left rear 1 Empty 2 Interior/left rear 6 3 Empty 4 Interior/left rear 13 1 Terminal 1# of left rear speaker 2 Terminal 3# of left rear door window regulator switch 3 Terminal 2# of lock actuator of left rear door 4 Terminal 9# of left rear door window regulator switch 5 Terminal 6# of left rear door window regulator switch 6 Terminal 2# of contact switch of left rear door 7 Terminal 1# of left rear window regulator motor 8 Terminal 2# of left rear speaker 9 Empty 10 Terminal 1# of lock actuator of left rear door 11 Terminal 1# of left rear door window regulator switch 12 Terminal 7# of left rear door window regulator switch 13 Terminal 4# of contact switch of left rear door 14 Terminal 2# of left rear window regulator motor 73 IV. Right Rear Door Harness (M11-3724520) (I). Harness Diagram Right rear door window regulator switch 1 Right rear window regulator motor 1 2 5 Right rear door speaker 6 1 2 10 Lock actuator of right rear door 1 Contact switch of right rear door 4 1 Interior/right rear 7 1 14 8 2 (II). Description of Connector Pins No. 1 2 Connector Name Right rear window regulator motor Right rear window regulator switch Pin No. 1 Connection Remark Interior/right rear 7 Interior/right rear 14 2 1 Interior/right rear 11 2 Empty 3 Interior/right rear 2 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Interior/right rear 5 7 Interior/right rear 12 8 Empty 9 Interior/right rear 4 10 Empty 3 Right rear door speaker 1 Interior/right rear 1 2 Interior/right rear 8 4 Lock 1 Interior/right rear 10 74 actuator of right rear door 5 6 6 Contact switch of right rear door Interior/right rear Interior/right rear Interior/right rear 3 2 1 Interior/right rear 6 2 Empty 3 Interior/right rear 13 4 Empty 1 Terminal 1# of right rear door speaker 2 Terminal 3# of right rear window regulator switch 3 Terminal 2# of lock actuator of right rear door 4 Terminal 9# of right rear window regulator switch 5 Terminal 6# of right rear window regulator switch 6 Terminal 1# of contact switch of right rear door 7 Terminal 1# of right rear window regulator motor 8 Terminal 2# of right rear door speaker 9 Empty 10 Terminal 1# of lock actuator of right rear door 11 Terminal 1# of right rear window regulator switch 12 Terminal 7# of right rear window regulator switch 13 Terminal 3# of contact switch of right rear door 14 Terminal 2# of right rear window regulator motor 75 V. Engine Harness (M11-3724180) (I). Harness Diagram Ignition coil Instrument/engine ground G103 Front oxygen sensor Coolant level sensor Nozzle 1 Nozzle 2 Nozzle 3 Charcoal canister solenoid valve Nozzle 4 Water temperature sensor Speed sensor Switch of engine oil pressure Ground G101 Camshaft sensor Ground G102 Crankshaft sensor Switch of A/C pressire Rear oxygen sensor Starter harness connector Coil of A/C clutch Electric throttle Generator port EMS Knock sensor Boost steering switch Reverse switch Air flow sensor Engine compartment fuse and relay box (J) Engine compartment fuse and relay box (K) 76 (II). Description of Connector Pins No. 1 2 Connector Name Front sensor Coolant sensor oxygen level 3 Nozzle 1 4 Nozzle 2 5 Nozzle 3 6 Nozzle 4 7 Charcoal canister solenoid valve 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ignition coil Water temperature sensor Speed sensor Crankshaft sensor Reverse switch Air meter Camshaft sensor Pin No. Connection 1 Terminal 48# of EMS 2 CE K14# 3 Terminal 36# of EMS, and terminal 3# of rear oxygen sensor 4 Terminal 18# of EMS 1 Instrument/engine 21 2 Ground G103 1 CE K12# 2 Terminal 27 of EMS 1 CE K12# 2 Terminal 6# of EMS 1 CE K12# 2 Terminal 7# of EMS 1 CE K12# 2 Terminal 47# of EMS 1 CE K11# 2 Terminal 46# of EMS 1 Terminal 5# of EMS 2 Terminal 2# of EMS 3 CE K8# 4 Empty 1 Terminal 17# of EMS 2 Remark Terminal 39# of EMS 1 CE K6# 2 Ground G103 3 Terminal 59# of EMS 1 Terminal 15# of EMS 2 Terminal 34# of EMS 3 Empty 1 Ground G103 2 Instrument/engine 18 1 Terminal 42# of EMS 2 CE K11# 3 Terminal 17# of EMS 4 Terminal 33# of EMS 5 Terminal 37# of EMS 1 Ground G103 77 15 15 16 17 18 Electric throttle Electric throttle Knock sensor Starter harness connector Generator port 19 Boost switch 20 Coil of A/C clutch 21 Switch of engine oil pressure 22 23 24 steering Switch of pressure Rear sensor A/C oxygen Instrument/engine 2 Terminal 79# of EMS 3 CE K11# 1 Terminal 66# and 67# of EMS 2 Terminal 78# of EMS 3 Terminal 32# of EMS 4 Terminal 64# and 65# of EMS 5 Terminal 38# of EMS 6 Terminal 54# of EMS 1 Terminal 19# of EMS 2 Terminal 20# of EMS 3 Empty 1 CE J8 1 Empty 2 CE K5 3 Instrument/engine 14 1 Terminal 76# of EMS 1 CE K7 2 Ground G103 1 Instrument/engine 15 1 Terminal 75# of EMS 2 Instrument/engine 17 3 Instrument/engine 17 4 Terminal 60# of EMS 1 Terminal 28# of EMS 2 CE K13 3 Terminal 36# of EMS 4 Terminal 55# of EMS 1 Terminal 58# of EMS 2 Terminal 11# of EMS 3 Terminal 36# of EMS 4 Terminal 35# of EMS 5 Terminal 32# of EMS, and Terminal 73# of EMS 6 Terminal 33# of EMS, and Terminal 4# of air meter 7 Terminal 40# of EMS 8 Terminal 16# of EMS 9 Terminal 74# of EMS 10 Terminal 21# of EMS 11 Empty 78 24 25 Instrument/engine EMS 12 Terminal 71# of EMS 13 Terminal 62# of EMS 14 Terminal 3# of generator port 15 Terminal 1# of switch of engine oil pressure 16 Empty 17 Terminal 2# and 3# of switch of A/C pressure 18 Terminal 2# of reverse switch 19 CE K5, terminal 2# of generator port 20 Terminal 59# of EMS, and Terminal 3# of speed sensor 21 Terminal 1# of coolant level sensor 22 Empty 23 Empty 24 Empty 25 Empty 26 Terminal 81# of EMS 1 Empty 2 Terminal 2# of ignition coil 3 Ground G101 4 Empty 5 Terminal 1# of ignition coil 6 Terminal 2# of nozzle 2 7 Terminal 2# of nozzle 3 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Empty 11 Instrument/engine 2 12 CE K9 13 CE K17 14 CE K10 15 Terminal 1# of crankshaft sensor 16 Instrument/engine 8 17 Terminal 1# of water temperature sensor, and terminal 3# of air meter 18 Terminal 4# of front oxygen sensor 19 Terminal 1# of knock sensor 20 Terminal 2# of knock sensor 21 Instrument/engine 10 22 Empty 23 Empty 24 Empty 25 Empty 79 25 EMS 26 Empty 27 Terminal 2# of nozzle 1 28 Terminal 1# of rear oxygen sensor 29 Empty 30 Empty 31 Empty 32 Terminal 3# of electric throttle, terminal 73# of EMS, and terminal 5 of instrument/engine 33 Terminal 4# of air meter 34 Terminal 2# of crankshaft sensor 35 Instrument/engine 4 36 Terminal 3# of rear oxygen sensor, and terminal 3# of front oxygen sensor 37 Terminal 5# of air meter 38 Terminal 5# of electric throttle 39 Terminal 2# of water temperature sensor 40 Instrument/engine 7 41 Empty 42 Terminal 1# of air meter 43 Empty 44 Terminal 45# of EMS, and terminal 63# of EMS, CE K11 45 Terminal 44# of EMS, and Terminal 63# of EMS, CE K11 46 Terminal 2# of charcoal canister solenoid valve 47 Terminal 2# of nozzle 4 48 Terminal 1# of front oxygen sensor 49 Empty 50 CE J2 51 Ground G102 52 Empty 53 Ground G102 54 Terminal 6# of electric throttle 55 Terminal 4# of rear oxygen sensor 56 Empty 57 Empty 58 Instrument/engine 1 59 Terminal 3# of speed sensor, and terminal 20 of instrument/engine 60 Terminal 4# of switch of A/C pressure 61 Ground G101 80 25 26 27 EMS CE J CE K 62 Instrument/engine 13 63 Terminal 44# of EMS, and terminal 45# of EMS, CE K11 64 Terminal 4# of electric throttle 65 Terminal 4# of electric throttle 66 Terminal 1# of electric throttle 67 Terminal 1# of electric throttle 68 CE K1# 69 CE J11# 70 CE K3 71 Instrument/engine 12 72 Empty 73 Terminal 5 of instrument/engine, terminal 32# of EMS 74 Instrument/engine 9 75 Terminal 1# of switch of A/C pressure 76 Terminal 1# of boost steering switch 77 Empty 78 Terminal 2# of electric throttle 79 Terminal 2# of camshaft sensor 80 Ground G101 81 Instrument/engine 26 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Empty 7 Empty 8 Terminal 1# of starter harness connector 9 Empty 10 Empty 11 Terminal 69# of EMS 1 Terminal 68# of EMS 2 Terminal 50# of EMS 3 Terminal 70# of EMS 4 Empty 5 Terminal 2# of generator Instrument/engine 19 6 Terminal 1# of speed sensor 7 Terminal 1# of coil of A/C clutch 8 Terminal 3# of ignition coil 9 Terminal 12# of EMS port, and and 81 10 Terminal 14# of EMS 11 Terminal 1# of charcoal canister solenoid valve, Terminal 2# of air meter, Terminal 3# of camshaft sensor 12 Terminal 1# of nozzle 1, terminal 1# of nozzle 2, terminal 1# of nozzle 3, and terminal 1# of nozzle 4 13 Terminal 2# of rear oxygen sensor 14 Terminal 2# of front oxygen sensor 15 Empty 16 Empty 17 Terminal 13# of EMS 18 Empty 82 VI. A/C Harness (Self-owned Harness of HAVC Assembly) (I). Harness Diagram Blower Defrost door (black) Speed module A/C/instrument (pin) 1 15 9 Solar sensor 3 2 1 8 3 1 1 4 6 Ground G501 A/C controller B 1 2 8 1 Interior and exterior circulation damper 16 9 A/C controller A 1 6 1 Mode damper (white) 10 Indoor temperature sensor Bleed door (yellow) 1 1 11 6 20 6 2 1 83 (II) Description of Harness Connector Pins No. 1 2 3 4 5 Connector Name Blower Speed module Defrost (black) door A/C/instrument Solar sensor Pin No. Connection 1 Terminal 11# of A/C controller B, terminal 2# of speed module, and terminal 13 of A/C/instrument 2 terminal 12 of A/C/instrument 1 Ground G501 2 Terminal 11# of A/C controller B, terminal 1# of blower, and terminal 13 of A/C/instrument 3 Terminal 1# of A/C controller B 1 Terminal 18# of A/C controller A 2 terminal 15 of A/C/instrument 3 Terminal 11# of A/C controller A 4 Terminal 14# of A/C controller A 5 Terminal 15# of A/C controller B 6 Empty 1 Terminal 7# of A/C controller B 2 Empty 3 Terminal 10# of A/C controller A 4 Terminal 13# of A/C controller B 5 Empty 6 Terminal 1# of A/C controller A 7 Terminal 8# of A/C controller A 8 Terminal 6# of A/C controller A 9 Terminal 7# of A/C controller A 10 Terminal 5# of A/C controller B 11 Terminal 8# of A/C controller B 12 Terminal 2# of blower 13 Terminal 1# of blower, Terminal 11# of A/C controller B, and Terminal 2# of speed module 14 Empty 15 Terminal 1# of indoor temperature sensor, terminal 1# of solar sensor, Terminal 6# of A/C controller B, terminal 2# of mode damper, terminal 2# of defrost door, and terminal 3# of bleed door 1 A/C/instrument 15 2 Terminal 12# of A/C controller B 3 Empty Remark 84 6 6 7 8 A/C controller B A/C controller B A/C controller A Indoor 4 Empty 1 Terminal 3# of speed module 2 Empty 3 Terminal 2# of indoor temperature sensor 4 Empty 5 A/C/instrument 10 6 A/C/instrument 15 7 A/C/instrument 1 8 A/C/instrument 11 9 Empty 10 Empty 11 Terminal 2# of speed module, terminal 1# of blower, and terminal 13 of A/C/instrument 12 Terminal 2# of solar sensor 13 A/C/instrument 4 14 Terminal 5# of bleed door 15 Terminal 5# of defrost door 16 Terminal 5# of mode damper 1 A/C/instrument 6 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 A/C/instrument 8 7 A/C/instrument 9 8 A/C/instrument 7 9 Empty 10 A/C/instrument 3 11 Terminal 3# of defrost door, terminal 3# of mode damper, and terminal 2# of bleed door 12 Terminal 6# of interior and exterior circulation damper 13 Terminal 4# of bleed door 14 Terminal 4# of defrost door 15 Terminal 4# of mode damper 16 Terminal 5# of interior and exterior circulation damper 17 Terminal 1# of bleed door 18 Terminal 1# of defrost door 19 Terminal 1# of mode damper 20 Empty 1 A/C/instrument 15 85 temperature sensor 9 10 11 Mode damper (white) Bleed (yellow) door Interior and exterior circulation damper 2 Terminal 3# of A/C controller B 1 Terminal 19# of A/C controller A 2 terminal 15 of A/C/instrument 3 Terminal 11# of A/C controller A 4 Terminal 15# of A/C controller A 5 Terminal 16# of A/C controller B 6 Empty 1 Terminal 17# of A/C controller A 2 Terminal 11# of A/C controller A 3 Terminal 15 of A/C/instrument 4 Terminal 13# of A/C controller A 5 Terminal 14# of A/C controller B 6 Empty 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Empty 5 Terminal 16# of A/C controller A 6 Terminal 12# of A/C controller A 86 VII. Engine Compartment Harness (M11-3724010) (I). Harness Diagram High pitch horn Bass horn 1 2 1 2 1 front washer bump motor Right headlamp Engine compartment fuse and relay box (CE E) 2 10 1 9 2 1 7 Fan controller 8 13 1 1 2 Left front turn lamp 10 B2 B6 Left front fog lamp A2 B1 B5 9 A1 A4 2 Right front turn lamp 2 1 Engine 2 1 compartmen/nozzle heater Speed sensor of right front wheel 2 1 A3 Engine compartment20 fuse and relay box (CE P) 4 Engine compartment/interior 1 2 2 Fan motor connector 1 (pinhole) 3 1 Gound G201 2 1 10 2 3 Left headlamp adjusting motor 1 Engine hood contact1 switch 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 fan motor connector 2 (pinhole) 2 2 1 Ground G202 1 2 Right front Outer temperature fog lamp 3 sensor Righ headlamp adjusting motor 9 Left headlamp 87 (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins Pin No. No. Connector Name 1 Speed sensor right front wheel 2 Engine compartment/nozzle heater 3 Right front turn lamp 4 Front washer motor 5 6 7 8 of Right headlamp Left front fog lamp Fan controller Left front turn lamp Connect to 1 CE P19 2 CE P20 1 CE P5 2 Remark Terminal 4 of engine compartment/interior 1 CE P16 2 Ground G202 1 CE P17 2 Ground G202 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Ground G202 5 CE P2, terminal 3# of right headlamp regulating motor 6 CE E3 7 CE P1 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Empty 1 CE E10, terminal 1# of right front fog lamp 2 Ground G201 A1 Terminal 1 of engine compartment/interior A2 Terminal 1# of fan motor connector 1, and Terminal 1# of fan motor connector 2 A3 Terminal 2 of engine compartment/interior A4 Terminal 2# of fan motor connector 1, and terminal 2# of fan motor connector 2 B1 CE P10, and terminal B2# of fan controller B2 Terminal B1# of fan controller, and CE P10 B3 Empty B4 Empty B5 CE E7 B6 CE E13 1 CE P18 2 Ground G201 88 9 High pitch horn 10 Bass horn 11 11 12 CE E CE E 1 CE P14 2 Ground G201 1 CE P13 2 Ground G201 1 CE E8, ground G201, CE E9, and CE E5 2 Empty 3 Terminal 6# of right headlamp 4 Terminal 6# of left headlamp 5 CE E1, CE E8, ground G201, and CE E9 6 Ground G201 7 Terminal B5 of fan controller 8 Ground G201, CE E9, CE E5, and CE E1 9 Ground G201, CE E8, CE E5, and CE E1 10 Terminal 1# of left front fog lamp, and terminal 1# of right front fog lamp 11 Empty 12 Ground G201 13 Terminal B6 of fan controller 1 Terminal 7# of right headlamp 2 Terminal 5# of right headlamp, and terminal 3# of right headlamp regulating motor 3 Terminal 5# of left headlamp, and terminal 3# of left headlamp regulating motor 4 Empty 5 Terminal 1# of compartment/nozzle heater 6 Terminal 1# of outer temperature sensor 7 Empty 8 Terminal 1# of engine hood contact switch 9 Terminal 2# of left headlamp regulating motor, and terminal 2# of right headlamp regulating motor 10 Terminal B1 of fan controller, terminal B2# and B1# of fan controller 11 Terminal 7# of left headlamp 12 Empty 13 Terminal 1# of bass horn 14 Terminal 1# of high pitch horn 15 Terminal 2# of outer temperature sensor 16 Terminal 1# of right front turn lamp 17 Terminal 1# of front washer motor 18 Terminal 1# of left front turn lamp CE P engine 89 13 14 15 16 17 Engine compartment/interior Left headlamp Left headlamp regulating motor Fan connector 1 Fan connector 2 19 Terminal 1# of speed sensor of right front wheel 20 Terminal 2# of speed sensor of right front wheel 1 Terminal A1 of fan controller 2 Terminal A3 of fan controller 3 CE P3, terminal 5# of left headlamp, and terminal 3# of left headlamp regulating motor 4 Terminal 2# of compartment/nozzle heater 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Terminal 1# of left headlamp regulating motor, and Ground G201 5 CE P3, and terminal 3# of left headlamp regulating motor 6 CE E4 7 CE P11 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Empty 1 Terminal 4# of left headlamp, and ground G201 2 CE P9 3 Terminal 5# of left headlamp, and CE P3 1 Terminal 1# of fan motor connector 2, and terminal A2 of fan controller 2 Terminal 2# of fan motor connector 2, and terminal A4 of fan controller 3 Ground G202 1 Terminal 1# of fan motor connector 1, and terminal A2 of fan controller 2 Terminal 2# of fan motor connector 1, and terminal A4 of fan controller 3 Ground G202 motor motor 18 Engine hood contact switch 1 CE P8 2 Ground G201 19 Outer temperature sensor 1 CE P6 2 CE P15 engine 90 20 Right front fog lamp Right headlamp regulating motor 21 1 Terminal 1# of left front fog lamp, and CE E10 2 Ground G202 1 Terminal 4# of right headlamp, and ground G202 2 Terminal 2# of left headlamp regulating motor, and CE P9 3 Terminal 5# of right headlamp, and CE P2 VIII. Luggage Boot Harness (M11-3724120) (I). Harness Diagram Luggage boot lock switch 2 Interior/luggage boot (pinhole) 1 1 3 6 1 Luggage boot contact switch and lock actuator (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins No. Connector Name Pin No. Connection 1 Luggage boot lock switch 1 Interior/luggage boot 2 2 Interior/luggage boot 3 1 Interior/luggage boot 5 2 Luggage boot contact switch and lock actuator 2 Interior/luggage boot 6 3 Interior/luggage boot 3 Remark Interior/luggage boot 4 1 Empty 2 Terminal 1# of luggage boot lock switch 3 Terminal 2# of luggage boot lock switch 91 4 Terminal 3# of luggage boot contact switch and lock actuator 5 Terminal 1# of luggage boot contact switch and lock actuator 6 Terminal 2# of luggage boot contact switch and lock actuator IX. Washer Nozzle Heater Harness (M11-3724550) (I). Harness Diagram Electric heater B of washer nozzle 2 1 Enigne compartment/nozzle heating 1 Electric heater A of washer nozzle 2 1 2 (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins No. Connector Name Pin No. Connection 1 Electric heater B of washer nozzle 1 Engine compartment/nozzle heater 1 2 Engine compartment/nozzle heater 2 2 Electric heater A of washer nozzle 1 Engine compartment/nozzle heater 1 2 Engine compartment/nozzle heater 2 1 Terminal 1# of electric heater A of washer nozzle, and terminal 1# of electric heater B of washer nozzle 2 Terminal 2# of electric heater A of washer nozzle, and terminal 2# of electric heater B of washer nozzle 3 Engine compartment/nozzle heater Remark 92 X. Ceiling Harness (M11-3724370) (I). Harness Diagram Left cosmetic mirror Rainfall sensor 2 1 Interior/ceiling 1 5 6 12 3 1 Right cosmetic mirror 2 1 1 2 3 6 1 2 Microphone Front ceiling lamp and sunroof (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins No. 1 2 3 4 Connector Name Left cosmetic mirror Rainfall sensor Right cosmetic mirror Front ceiling lamp and sunroof Pin No. Connection 1 Interior/ceiling 10, terminal 2# of rainfall sensor 2 Interior/ceiling 4 1 Interior/ceiling 7 2 Interior/ceiling 10, terminal 1# of left cosmetic mirror, and terminal 1# of right cosmetic mirror 3 Interior/ceiling 1 1 Interior/ceiling 10, and terminal 2# of rainfall sensor 2 Interior/ceiling 4 1 Interior/ceiling 10 2 Interior/ceiling 4 3 Interior/ceiling 5 4 Interior/ceiling 12 5 Interior/ceiling 11 6 Interior/ceiling 9 Remark 93 5 6 Microphone Interior/ceiling 1 Interior/ceiling 3 2 Interior/ceiling 8 1 terminal 3# of rainfall sensor 2 Ground G306 3 Terminal 1# of microphone 4 Terminal 2# of front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch, terminal 2# of left cosmetic mirror, and terminal 2# of right cosmetic mirror 5 Terminal 3# of front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch 6 Empty 7 Terminal 1# of rainfall sensor 8 Terminal 2# of microphone 9 Terminal 6# of front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch 10 Terminal 1# of front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch, terminal 1# of left cosmetic mirror, terminal 2# of rainfall sensor, and terminal 1# of right cosmetic mirror 11 Terminal 5# of front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch 12 Terminal 4# of front ceiling lamp and sunroof switch 94 XI. Instrument Harness (M11-3724030BA) Note: the instrument harness of M11-3724030BA is equipped with left/right front door anti-clipping window regulator; if the vehicle is equipped with left/right front door window regulator without anti-clipping function, the PP4 1#, PP4 2#, PP4 4#, PP4 5# of BCM are not empty. (I). Harness Diagram Instrument fuse box C (IP C) deflection angle sensor Lower beam height regulating switch PE1 of front BCM (green) Instrument fuse box B (IP B) Rear-view mirror regulating switch Brake switch Instrument/air bag Luminous regulating switch Instrument fuse box D (IP D) PE2 of front BCM (blue) Auxiliary instrument PP4 of front BCM (white) A/C/instrument Electric accelerator pedal PP3 of front BCM (white) Instrument fuse box A (IP A) Lighting switch Interior/instrument A Antenna (radio) Antenna (GPS) Combination switch (windshield wiper) Main frame/instrument (audio-red) Main port of main frame of audio equipment Interior/instrument B Main frame/instrument (audio-white) Combination instrument (blue) Glove box lamp Electronic anti-theft device A Clutch switch Instrument/starter Interior/instrument C diagnostic connector Ignition lock cylinder lighting lamp Combination switch (steering. lower/upper beam, cruise) Interior/instrument F Instrument/interior (audio-white) Auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment Left seat heater switch (gray) Instrument/interior (audio-red) Interior/instrument D Trunk opening switch (switch) Instrument/interior (radio antenna) Switch of electronic stabilizing system (yellow) Harness connector of key contact switch Warning lamp switch (blue) Spiral cable Interior/instrument E Instrument/interior (GPS antenna) Tyre pressure monitoring system module (TPMS) right seat heater switch (black) Ignition switch Ground G402 Ground G401 On-board hand-free cell Cigar lighter Hand brake switch Emergency power supply 95 (II). Description of Harness Connector Pins No. 1 Connector Name PE1 of front BCM Pin No. Connection Remark 1 Terminal 3# of lighting switch 2 Terminal 9# of combination (windshield wiper) 3 Terminal 2# of lighting switch 4 Interior/instrument E11 5 Empty 6 Terminal 1# of warning lamp switch 7 Terminal 6# of combination (windshield wiper) 8 Terminal 2# of combination switch (steering, lower/upper beam, cruise) 9 Terminal 5# of combination switch (steering, lower/upper beam, cruise) 10 Terminal 10# of combination switch (windshield wiper) 11 Empty 12 Empty 13 Empty 14 Empty 15 Terminal 9# of lighting switch 16 Empty 17 Interior/instrument F9 18 Terminal 7# of combination (windshield wiper) 19 Interior/instrument E13 20 Interior/instrument E10 21 Instrument/engine 18, terminal 1# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment 22 Terminal 13# of spiral cable 23 Terminal 4# of harness connector of key contact switch 24 Interior/instrument A24 25 Interior/instrument A23 26 Terminal 1# of ignition lock cylinder lighting lamp 27 Empty 28 Interior/instrument F22 29 Empty switch switch switch 96 2 2 PE2 of BCM PE2 of front BCM 30 Empty 31 Empty 32 Empty 1 Terminal 29# of combination instrument, Interior/instrument A9, and terminal 14# of diagnostic connector 2 Interior/instrument F1 3 Interior/instrument F14 4 Interior/instrument F7 5 Interior/instrument F20 6 Interior/instrument E23 7 Interior/instrument A26 8 Terminal 8# of lighting switch 9 Terminal 7# of lighting switch 10 Terminal 1# of harness connector of key contact switch, and interior/instrument B4 11 Empty 12 Terminal 1# of lighting switch 13 Terminal 6# of combination switch (steering, lower/upper beam, cruise) 14 Terminal 2# of trunk opening switch 15 IP A17 16 Interior/instrument E12 17 Empty 18 Terminal 6# of diagnostic connector, terminal 30# of combination instrument, and interior/instrument A10 19 PE2 20 of front BCM, Interior/instrument F2, and terminal 15# of auxiliary instrument 20 PE2 19 of front BCM, Interior/instrument F2, and terminal 15# of auxiliary instrument 21 Interior/instrument interior/instrument E7 22 interior/instrument E8 23 Interior/instrument interior/instrument E20 24 Interior/instrument E21 25 Interior/instrument interior/instrument E9 26 Interior/instrument F13 A7, and A20, and F8, and 97 3 4 4 PP4 of front BCM PE3 of front BCM PE3 of front BCM 27 Interior/instrument interior/instrument E22 F21, and 28 Interior/instrument F26 29 Terminal 3# of combination switch (steering, lower/upper beam, cruise) 30 Terminal 4# of combination switch (steering, lower/upper beam, cruise) 31 IP C17 32 Interior/instrument F15 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Interior/instrument F5 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Terminal 6# of ignition switch 7 Interior/instrument A25 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Interior/instrument F6 11 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 12 Interior/instrument F19 1 Empty 2 Interior/instrument F3 3 Interior/instrument F24 4 Interior/instrument E26 5 Terminal 6# of warning lamp switch, and interior/instrument F12 6 Interior/instrument F4 7 Interior/instrument F17 8 Interior/instrument F16 9 Empty 10 Interior/instrument interior/instrument D6 11 Empty 12 Interior/instrument E6 13 Interior/instrument E19 14 Interior/instrument A22 15 Interior/instrument F18 16 Interior/instrument F10 17 Interior/instrument F23 18 Interior/instrument F11 19 Interior/instrument A21, and terminal 2# of ignition lock cylinder lighting lamp B10, 98 5 6 Interior/instrument A Interior/instrument 20 Interior/instrument F25 1 Terminal 2# of deflection angle sensor 2 IP A10 3 Terminal 7# of combination instrument, and terminal 12# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Empty 7 Terminal 21# of PE2 of front BCM, interior/instrument E7 8 Empty 9 Terminal 29# of combination instrument, terminal 1# of PE2 of front BCM, and terminal 14# of diagnostic connector 10 Terminal 6# of diagnostic connector, Terminal 30# of combination instrument, and terminal18# of PE2 of front BCM 11 Terminal 19# of combination instrument 12 Terminal 26# of combination instrument 13 Terminal 21# of combination instrument 14 Terminal 3# of spiral cable, and terminal 3# of deflection angle sensor 15 Terminal 4# of switch of electronic stabilizing system 16 Terminal 1# of switch of electronic stabilizing system 17 Interior/instrument D15, and terminal 1# of rear-view mirror regulating switch 18 terminal 10# of regulating switch 19 terminal 9# of rear-view mirror regulating switch 20 Terminal 23# of PE2 of front BCM, and interior/instrument E20 21 Terminal 19# of PE3 of front BCM, and terminal 2# of ignition lock cylinder lighting lamp 22 Terminal 14# of PE3 of front BCM 23 Terminal 25# of PE1 of front BCM 24 Terminal 24# of PE1 of front BCM 25 Terminal 7# of PP4 of front BCM 26 Terminal 7# of PE2 of front BCM 1 Empty rear-view mirror 99 B 6 7 Interior/instrument B Interior/instrument C 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Terminal 10 of PE2 of front BCM, and terminal 1# of harness connector of key contact switch 5 A/C/instrument 7 6 A/C/instrument 15 7 A/C/instrument 3 8 Empty 9 Terminal 1# of emergency power supply 10 Interior/instrument D6, and terminal 10# of PE3 of front BCM 11 IP D2 12 A/C/instrument 13 13 A/C/instrument 12 14 Terminal 1# of right seat heater switch 15 Terminal 1# of right seat heater switch 1 Interior/instrument C3. terminal 1# of ignition switch, and terminal 6# of ignition switch 2 Terminal 4# of ignition switch 3 Interior/instrument C1, terminal 1# of ignition switch, and terminal 6# of ignition switch 4 IP A7 5 IP A9 6 Empty 7 Empty 8 Terminal 18# of on-board hands-free cell 9 Terminal 11# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 10 Terminal 6# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 11 Terminal 2# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 12 IP A16 13 Terminal 2# of lower beam height regulating switch 14 Terminal 1# of lower beam height regulating switch 15 Empty 16 Empty 17 Empty 18 Empty 100 8 8 9 Interior/instrument F Interior/instrument F Harness connector of key contact switch 19 Terminal 9# of on-board hands-freecell 20 Empty 21 Terminal 7# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 22 Terminal 3# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 1 Terminal 2# of PE2 of front BCM 2 Terminal 19 of PE2 of front BCM, Terminal 20 of PE2 of front BCM 3 Terminal 2# of PE3 of front BCM 4 Terminal 6# of PE3 of front BCM 5 Terminal 3# of PP4 of front BCM 6 Terminal 10# of PP4 of front BCM 7 Terminal 4# of PE2 of front BCM 8 Terminal 25# of PE2 of front BCM, and interior/instrument E9 9 Terminal 17# of PE1 of front BCM 10 Terminal 16# of PE3 of front BCM 11 Terminal 18# of PE3 of front BCM 12 Terminal 5# of PE3 of front BCM, terminal 6# of warning lamp switch 13 Terminal 26# of PE2 of front BCM 14 Terminal 3# of PE2 of front BCM 15 Terminal 32# of PE2 of front BCM 16 Terminal 8# of PE3 of front BCM 17 Terminal 7# of PE3 of front BCM 18 Terminal 15# of PE3 of front BCM 19 Terminal 12# of PP4 of front BCM 20 Terminal 5# of PE2 of front BCM 21 Interior/instrument E22, and terminal 27# of PE2 of front BCM 22 Terminal 28# of PE1 of front BCM 23 Terminal 17# of PE3 of front BCM 24 Terminal 3# of PE3 of front BCM 25 Terminal 20# of PE3 of front BCM 26 Terminal 28# of PE2 of front BCM 1 Terminal 10# of PE2 of front BCM, and interior/instrument B4 2 IP A4, A/C/instrument 10, and terminal 3# of harness connector of key contact switch 3 IP A4, A/C/instrument 10, and terminal 2# of harness connector of key contact switch 101 10 11 12 13 14 Ignition switch 4 Terminal 23# of PE1 of front BCM 1 Interior/instrument interior/instrument C3 2 IP D3 3 IP D1 4 Interior/instrument C2 5 IP B2 6 Terminal 6# of PP4 of front BCM, terminal 2# of spiral cable, interior/instrument C1, interior/instrument C3, and terminal 1# of ignition switch 1 Ground G401 2 Terminal 6# of ignition switch 3 Interior/instrument A14 4 Interior/instrument A1 5 IP C3 6 Empty 7 Terminal 10# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 8 Terminal 13# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 9 Terminal 15# of on-board hands-free cell 10 Terminal 6# of on-board hands-free cell 11 Empty 12 Empty 13 Terminal 22# of PE1 of front BCM 14 Ground G401 1 Ground G401 2 Terminal 8# of PE1 of front BCM 3 Terminal 29# of PE2 of front BCM 4 Terminal 30# of PE2 of front BCM 5 Terminal 9# of PE1 of front BCM 6 Terminal 13# of PE2 of front BCM 1 Terminal 26# of PE1 of front BCM 2 Terminal 19# of PE3 of front BCM, and interior/instrument A21 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Ground G402 5 Ground G401 Spiral cable Combination switch (steering, lower/upper beam, cruise) Ignition cylinder lamp Diagnostic connector lock lighting C1, 102 15 Combination Instrument 6 Terminal 30# of combination instrument, interior/instrument A10, and terminal 18# of PE2 of front BCM 7 Terminal A7# of anti-theft device 8 IP C8 9 Empty 10 Empty 11 Empty 12 Empty 13 Empty 14 Terminal 29# of combination instrument, terminal 1 of PE2 of front BCM, and interior/instrument A9 15 Empty 16 IP A13 1 Empty 2 Instrument/engine 21 3 Ground G401, and terminal 3# of auxiliary instrument 4 Empty 5 Ground G402, and terminal 5# of auxiliary instrument 6 Empty 7 Terminal 12# of main port of main frame of audio equipment, and interior/instrument A3 8 Empty 9 Instrument/engine 15 10 Empty 11 IP A12, terminal instrument 12 terminal 12# of auxiliary instrument, and terminal 3# of luminous regulating switch 13 terminal 13# of auxiliary instrument, terminal 13# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment, IP C18, and terminal 3# of tyre pressure monitoring system module 14 Empty 15 Empty 16 Instrument/engine 14 17 Empty 18 Terminal 1# of hand brake switch 11# of auxiliary 103 15 16 17 18 19 Combination instrument Clutch switch Combination switch (windshield wiper) Electronic anti-theft device (A) Left seat heater switch (gray) 19 Interior/instrument A11 20 Empty 21 Interior/instrument A13 22 Empty 23 Empty 24 Empty 25 Empty 26 Interior/instrument A12 27 Instrument/engine 20 28 Empty 29 Terminal 1# of PE2 of front BCM, interior/instrument A9, and terminal 14# of diagnostic connector 30 terminal 6# of diagnostic connector, interior/instrument A10, and terminal 18# of PE2 of front BCM 31 Empty 32 Empty 1 Ground G401 2 Instrument/engine 9 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Empty 5 Ground G401 6 Terminal 7# of PE1 of front BCM 7 Terminal 18# of PE1 of front BCM 8 Ground G401 9 Terminal 2# of PE1 of front BCM 10 Terminal 10# of PE1 of front BCM 1 IP A14 2 Ground G402 3 Empty 4 IP C20 5 Instrument/engine 2 6 Empty 7 Terminal 7# of diagnostic connector 8 Instrument/engine 12 1 Interior/instrument B15 2 Empty 3 Terminal 6# of left seat heater switch, ground G401 4 IP A6, terminal 4# right seat heater switch 104 20 21 21 22 Switch of electronic stabilizing system Right seat heater switch Right seat heater switch On-board hands-free cell 5 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 6 Terminal 3# of left seat heater switch, and ground G401 1 Interior/instrument A16 2 Empty 3 Terminal 6# of switch of electronic stabilizing system, and ground G401 4 Interior/instrument A15 5 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 6 Terminal 3# of switch of electronic stabilizing system, and ground G401 1 Interior/instrument B14 2 Empty 3 Terminal 6# of right seat heater switch, and ground G401 4 IP A6, terminal 4# of left seat heater switch 5 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 6 Terminal 3# of right seat heater switch, and ground G401 1 Ground G401 2 Empty 3 Terminal 10# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment 4 Terminal 12# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment 5 Empty 6 Terminal 10# spiral cable 7 Terminal 5# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment 8 Empty 9 Interior/instrument C19 10 IP A18, and terminal 15# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 11 IP C22 12 Terminal 11# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment 13 Empty 14 Empty 15 Terminal 9# spiral cable 105 23 Cigar lighter 24 Hand brake switch 25 Emergency switch 26 27 28 29 Tyre pressure monitoring system module Warning switch Trunk switch lamp opening Auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment 16 Terminal 4# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment 17 Empty 18 Interior/instrument C8 1 Ground B402 2 IP B3 3 Empty 1 Terminal 18# of combination instrument 1 Interior/instrumentB9 2 Ground G401 1 Instrument/engine 13, A/C/instrument 8, and terminal 4# of deflection angle sensor 2 Instrument/engine 26, A/C/instrument 6, terminal 5# of deflection angle sensor 3 Terminal 13# of combination instrument, terminal13# of auxiliary instrument, and terminal 13# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment, IP C18 4 Ground G402 1 Terminal 6# of PE1 of front BCM 2 Ground G401 3 Empty 4 Interior/instrument E16, and terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 5 Ground G401 6 Terminal 5# of PE3 of front BCM, and interior/instrument F12 1 Terminal 6# of trunk opening switch, and ground G401 2 Terminal 14# of PE2 of front BCM 3 Empty 4 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 5 Empty 6 Terminal 1# of trunk opening switch, ground G401 1 Terminal 21# of PE1 of front BCM, Instrument/engine 18, and interior/instrument D3 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Terminal 16# of on-board hands-free cell 5 Terminal 7# of on-board hands-free cell 106 30 31 32 Main port of main frame of audio equipment Glove box lamp Instrument/engine 6 Empty 7 Empty 8 Interior/instrument E3 9 Interior/instrument E2 10 Terminal 3# of on-board hands-free cell 11 Terminal 12# of on-board hands-free cell 12 Terminal 4# of on-board hands-free cell 13 Terminal 13# of combination instrument, terminal13# of auxiliary instrument, IP C18, and terminal 3# of tyre pressure monitoring system module 14 Empty 15 Empty 16 Empty 1 Ground G401 2 Interior/instrument C11 3 Interior/instrument C22 4 Interior/instrument E18 5 Interior/instrument E5 6 Interior/instrument C10 7 Interior/instrument C21 8 Interior/instrument E4 9 Interior/instrument E17 10 Terminal 7# of spiral cable 11 Interior/instrument C9 12 Terminal 7# of combination instrument, and interior/instrument A3 13 Terminal 8# of spiral cable 14 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 15 IP A18, and terminal 10# of on-board hands-free cell 16 IP C10 1 Interior/instrument D7 2 Ground G401 1 Terminal 3# of brake switch 2 Terminal A5 of electronic anti-theft device 3 Terminal 5# of electric accelerator pedal 4 Terminal 2# of electric accelerator pedal 5 Terminal 3# of electric accelerator pedal 6 Terminal 6# of electric accelerator pedal 7 Terminal 1# of electric accelerator pedal 8 Terminal 4# of electric accelerator pedal 107 32 33 9 Terminal 2# of clutch switch 10 Interior/instrument E15, and terminal 4# of brake switch 11 Empty 12 Terminal A8 of electronic anti-theft device 13 Terminal 1# of tyre pressure monitoring system module, A/C/instrument 8, and terminal 4# of deflection angle sensor 14 Terminal 16# of combination instrument 15 Terminal 9# of combination instrument 16 Empty 17 A/C/instrument 11, IP C7 18 Terminal 21# of PE1 of front BCM, and terminal 1# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio-equipment 19 Interior/instrument D4 20 Terminal 27# of combination instrument 21 Terminal 2# of combination instrument 22 Empty 23 Empty 24 Empty 25 Empty 26 Terminal 2# of tyre pressure monitoring system module, A/C/instrument 6, and terminal 5# of deflection angle sensor 1 A/C/instrument 1 2 A/C/instrument 4 3 Terminal 1# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment, terminal 21# of PE1 of front BCM, and instrument/engine 18 4 Instrument/engine 19 5 Terminal 7# of regulating switch 6 Interior/instrument B10, terminal 10# of PE3 of front BCM 7 Terminal 1# of glove box lamp 8 Terminal 6# of regulating switch 9 Empty 10 Empty 11 Empty 12 Empty Instrument/engine Interior/instrument D rear-view rear-view mirror mirror 108 34 34 35 Interior/instrument E Interior/instrument E A/C/instrument 13 Empty 14 Empty 15 Interior/instrument A17, terminal 1# of rear-view mirror regulating switch 1 Empty 2 Terminal 9# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment 3 Terminal 8# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment 4 Terminal 8# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 5 Terminal 5# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 6 Terminal 12# of PE3 of front BCM 7 Terminal 21# of PE2 of front BCM, interior/instrument A7 8 Terminal 22# of PE2 of front BCM 9 Terminal 25# of PE2 of front BCM, interior/instrument F8 10 Terminal 20# of PE1 of front BCM 11 Terminal 4# of PE1 of front BCM 12 Terminal 16# of PE2 of front BCM 13 Terminal 19# of PE1 of front BCM 14 Empty 15 Terminal 4# of brake switch, and instrument/engine 10 16 Terminal 4# of warning lamp switch, and terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 17 Terminal 9# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 18 Terminal 4# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 19 Terminal 13# of PE3 of front BCM 20 Terminal 23# of PE2 of front BCM, and interior/instrument A20 21 Terminal 24# of PE2 of front BCM 22 Interior/instrument F21, Terminal 27# of PE2 of front BCM 23 Terminal 6# of PE2 of front BCM 24 Empty 25 Empty 26 Terminal 4# of PE3 of front BCM 1 Interior/instrument D1 109 36 37 37 38 Deflection sensor 2 Empty 3 Interior/instrument B7 4 Interior/instrument D2 5 Empty 6 Terminal 2# of tyre pressure monitoring system module, instrument/engine 26, and terminal 5# of deflection angle sensor 7 Interior/instrument B5 8 Terminal 1# of tyre pressure monitoring system module, instrument/engine 13, and terminal 4# of deflection angle sensor 9 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 10 IP A4, terminal 2# of harness connector of key contact switch, and terminal 3# of harness connector of key contact switch 11 Instrument/engine 17, IP C7 12 Interior/instrument B13 13 Interior/instrument B12 14 Empty 15 Interior/instrument B6 1 IP C2 2 Terminal 4# of deflection angle sensor, and interior/instrument A1 3 Terminal 3# of deflection angle sensor, and interior/instrument A14 4 Terminal 1# of tyre pressure monitoring system module, instrument/engine 13, and A/C/instrument 8 5 Instrument/engine 26, A/C/instrument 6, and terminal 2# of tyre pressure monitoring system module 6 Ground G402 1 IP C6 2 Empty 3 Instrument/engine 13 4 Instrument/engine 26 5 Empty 6 Empty 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Terminal 3# of combination instrument angle Instrument/airbag Instrument/airbag Auxiliary instrument 110 39 40 41 42 43 Brake switch Electric accelerator pedal Lower beam height regulating switch Luminous regulating switch Lighting switch 4 Empty 5 Terminal 5# of combination instrument 6 Empty 7 Empty 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Empty 11 Terminal 11# of combination instrument, IP A12 12 Terminal 12# of combination instrument, and terminal 3# of luminous regulating switch 13 Terminal 13# of combination instrument, terminal13# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment, IP C18, and terminal 3# of tyre pressure monitoring system module 14 Empty 15 Terminal 19 of PE2 and Terminal 20 of PE2 of front BCM, and interior/instrument F2 16 Empty 1 IP C1 2 IP B1 3 Instrument/engine 1 4 Instrument/engine interior/instrument E15 1 Instrument/engine 7 2 Instrument/engine 4 3 Instrument/engine 5 4 Instrument/engine 8 5 Instrument/engine 3 6 Instrument/engine 6 1 Interior/instrument C14 2 Interior/instrument C13 3 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 4 Ground G402 1 Terminal 11# of PP4 of front BCM 2 Ground G401 3 Terminal 12# of combination instrument, and terminal 12# of auxiliary instrument 1 Terminal 12# of PE2 of front BCM 2 Terminal 3# of PE1 of front BCM 10, and 111 43 44 45 Lighting switch Rear-view mirror regulating switch Instrument fuse box A (IP A) 3 Terminal 1# of PE1 of front BCM 4 IP A2 5 Empty 6 Ground G401 7 Terminal 9# of PE2 of front BCM 8 Terminal 8# of PE2 of front BCM 9 Terminal 15# of PE1 of front BCM 10 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 1 Interior/instrument interior/instrument D15 2 Terminal 1# of luminous regulating switch 3 Empty 4 Ground G402 5 IP A11 6 Interior/instrument D8 7 Interior/instrument D5 8 Empty 9 Interior/instrument A19 10 Interior/instrument A18 1 Empty 2 Terminal 4# of lighting switch 3 Empty 4 A/C/instrument 10, terminal 3# of harness connector of key contact switch, and terminal 2# of harness connector of key contact switch 5 Empty 6 Terminal 4# of left seat heater switch, and terminal 4# of right seat heater switch 7 Interior/instrument C4 8 Empty 9 Interior/instrument C5 10 Interior/instrument A2 11 Terminal 5# of regulating switch 12 Terminal 11# of combination instrument, and terminal 11# of auxiliary instrument 13 Terminal 16# of diagnostic connector 14 Terminal A1 of electronic anti-theft device 15 Empty A17, rear-view and mirror 112 46 47 47 48 Instrument fuse box B (IP B) Instrument fuse box C (IP C) Instrument fuse box C (IP C) Instrument fuse box D (IP D) 16 Interior/instrument C12 17 Terminal 15# of PE2 of front BCM 18 Terminal 10# of on-board hands-free cell, and terminal15# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 1 Terminal 2# of brake switch 2 Terminal 5# of ignition switch 3 Terminal 2# of cigar lighter 4 Empty 1 Terminal 1# of brake switch 2 Terminal 1# of deflection angle sensor 3 Terminal 5# of spiral cable 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Instrument/airbag 1 7 A/C/instrument Instrument/engine 17 8 Terminal 8# of diagnostic connector 9 Empty 10 Terminal 16# of main port of main frame of audio equipment 11 Empty 12 Empty 13 Empty 14 Empty 15 Empty 16 Empty 17 Terminal 31# of PE2 of front BCM 18 Terminal 13# of combination instrument, terminal 13# of auxiliary instrument, terminal 13# of auxiliary port of main frame of audio equipment, and terminal 3# of tyre pressure monitoring system module 19 Empty 20 Terminal A4 of electronic anti-theft device 21 Empty 22 Terminal 11# of on-board hands-free cell 1 Terminal 3# of ignition switch 2 Interior/instrument B11 3 Terminal 2# of ignition switch 11, and 113 XII. Interior Harness (M11-3724050BA) Note: The instrument harness of M11-3724050BA is equipped with anti-clipping left/right front door window regulators; if the vehicle is equipped with left/right front door window regulators without anti-clipping function, the terminal CE C3# of engine compartment fuse and relay box C (CE C) is empty. 114 (I) Diagram of Harness PF5 of positive fuse box (to terminals A1# and A3# of fan controller) Ground G301 PF3 of positive fuse box (to terminal 11# of PP8 of rear BCM) Brake fluid level switch PF6 of positive fuse box (to terminal 1# of PP7 of front BCM)1 3 26 37 1 Gr ound G305 Interior/left rear (pin) 7 PP6 of front BCM It is terminal 3# of connector on actual harness. Verification is required. 38 12 6 Anti-theft horn 8 Ground G306 1 PP7 of front BCM 2 14 24 14 1 13 2 12 Hight mounted brake lamp 2 1 1 Left front wheel Engine compartment fuse speed sensor and relay box D (CE D) 1 4 Front/interior 3 Interior/ceiling 1 5 4 Violet/white 1 25 1 1 Ground G302 ABS module Front wiper motor 2 26 13 15 2 It shall be not empty for BA harness. This terminal is used for power supply of anti-clipping left/right front motors ~~~ Engine compartment 1 fuse and relay box C (CE C) 5 26 8 22 11 2 11 22 1 Trunk lamp 2 5 12 Engine compartment fuse and relay box A (CE A) 1 13 Ground G307 1 Oil pump harness connector 4 Positive pole of rear windshield heater 1 Low speaker A (coatrack) 2 4 9 8 1 6 1 1 Left rear reading lamp 2 1 3 1 12 Interior 1 12 /instrument C Interior/left front A 1 14 Interior/instrument A Left rear tail lamp 8 2 Interior/instrument B Interior/left front B 10 Engine compartment fuse 1 and relay L (CE L) 11 1 14 19 Interior/instrument F Driver"s seat belt switch 1 2 Engine compartment fuse 1 and relay box G (CE G) 11 Antenna A 10 7 22 1 Left seat heater, electric regulating device 1 5 Interior/trunk 1 Interior/rear bumper 4 Left rear wheel speed sensor 1 6 2 1 Ground G308 18 Schematic Diagram for Installation of Harness Connector 5 Sunroof module 6 1 PE3 of rear BCM Low speaker B (coatrack) 10 10 1 Interior/instrument F Interior/instrument B Interior/instrument A Interior/instrument C 1 9 2 1 2 Right rear wheel speed sensor PP8 of rear BCM 1 7 8 13 Connector at left side of body Right rear tail lamp Interior/left front B 8 Interior/left front A Interior/instrument E 2 13 7 Negative pole of rear windshield heater 1 2 Ground G311 1 1 Right rear reading lamp 26 Interior/instrument D Interior/instrument E 14 Interior/right front Ground G310 11 1 Connector at right side of body Gr ound G309 Interior/right front 22 12 8 Interior/instrument D 1 1 Interior/right rear 7 8 14 9 15 Instrument/interior (audio-red) Instrument/interior (audio-white) 1 Antenna (GPS) 5 Right seat heating device Antenna (radio) Instrument/interior (radio antenna) Instrument/interior (GPS antenna) 115 (II) Description of Pin of Harness Connector No. Connector Name Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ABS module 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Connection Remarks CE A1 Empty CE G11 CE G12 Interior/instrument A1 and interior/instrument A10 Interior/instrument A14 and interior/instrument A9 CE G7 Empty Empty Terminal 1# of right rear wheel speed sensor Terminal 2# of right rear wheel speed sensor Empty Ground G301 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty CE A2 Empty Terminal 2# of left front wheel speed sensor Terminal 1# of left front wheel speed sensor Interior/instrument A15 Empty Interior/instrument A16 Empty CE G10 Empty Terminal 1# of left rear wheel speed sensor Terminal 2# of left rear wheel speed sensor Empty Ground G301 116 2 Front/interior 2 Front/interior 3 CE A 4 CE D 5 6 1 Front/interior 2 and PF5 2 Front/interior 1 and PF5 3 Interior/instrument C14 4 Interior/instrument F22 1 Terminal 1# of ABS 2 Terminal 25# of ABS 1 Left seat heater and terminal 5# of electric regulating device 1 Interior/instrument interior/instrument C3 C1 and 2 Interior/instrument interior/instrument F17 F4 and 3 Interior/right front 4 and interior/left front B4 4 Terminal 3# of oil pump harness connector 5 Interior/instrument B9 6 Interior/instrument B11 7 Empty 8 Terminal 1# of sunroof module 1 Terminal 4# of left rear tail lamp, interior/rear bumper 5, and interior/instrument F6 2 Terminal 4# of right rear tail lamp and interior/instrument F19 3 Empty 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Empty 7 Empty 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Empty 11 Interior/instrument B7 12 Interior/instrument A24 13 Interior/instrument A23 14 Interior/instrument B12 15 Interior/instrument B13 16 Left seat heater, terminal 3# of electric regulating device and terminal 3# of right seat heating device 17 Empty 18 Empty CE C CE L 117 7 7 CE G CE G 19 Empty 1 Interior/instrument C13 2 Interior/instrument F15 3 Empty 4 Interior/instrument B5 5 Interior/instrument B6 6 Interior/instrument C5 7 Terminal 7# of ABS 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Terminal 33# of ABS 11 Terminal 3# of ABS 12 Terminal 4# of ABS 13 Interior/instrument F12, interior/left front A21, and terminal 2# of left rear tail lamp 14 Interior/instrument F18 15 Terminal 2# of right rear tail lamp and interior/instrument E26 16 Interior/instrument F25 17 CE G18 and interior/instrument C4 18 CE G17 and interior/instrument C4 19 Empty 20 Empty 21 Interior/instrument C2 22 Empty 8 Left front wheel speed sensor 1 Terminal 28# of ABS 2 Terminal 27# of ABS 9 Driver’s seat belt switch 1 Interior/instrument A11 2 Ground G305 1 Interior/instrument B15 2 Ground G306 3 CE L16 and terminal 3# of right seat heating device 4 Ground G302 5 CE D1 1 Interior/instrument E3 2 Ground G310 and Ground G309 3 Terminal 10# of PE3 of rear BCM 4 Ground G309 5 Terminal 4# of left rear tail lamp, CE L1, and interior/instrument F6 6 Interior/instrument E2 10 11 Left seat heater, electric regulating device Interior/rear bumper 118 12 13 13 14 Right lamp rear tail interior/trunk interior/trunk Left rear tail lamp 7 Terminal 6# of left rear tail lamp, interior/instrument D4, and terminal 6# of right rear tail lamp 8 Terminal 1 of PE3 of rear BCM 9 Terminal 7# of left rear tail lamp, interior/instrument D3, and terminal 7# of right rear tail lamp 10 Terminal 2 of PE3 of rear BCM 1 Ground G309 2 CE G15, interior/instrument E26, and interior/right front 16 3 Interior/instrument E15 4 Interior/instrument F19, CE L2 5 Terminal 12 of PP8 of rear BCM 6 Terminal 6# of left rear tail lamp, interior/instrument D4, and interior/rear bumper 7 7 Terminal 7# of left rear tail lamp, interior/instrument D3, and interior/rear bumper 9 8 Empty 1 Empty 2 Ground G308 3 Interior/instrument E12, interior/right front 18, and interior/left front A16 4 Ground G308 5 Interior/instrument E13 and terminal 2# of trunk lamp 6 Interior/instrument A22 1 Ground G308 2 Interior/instrument F12, interior/left front A21, and CE G13 3 Interior/instrument E15 4 CE L1, interior/rear bumper 5, and interior/instrument F6 5 Terminal 12 of PP8 of rear BCM 6 Terminal 6# of right rear tail lamp, interior/instrument D4, and interior/rear bumper 7 7 Terminal 7# of right rear tail lamp, interior/instrument D3, and interior/rear bumper 9 8 Empty 119 15 16 17 17 PE3 of rear BCM PP8 of rear BCM Interior/instrument E Interior/instrument E 1 Interior/rear bumper 8 2 Interior/rear bumper 10 3 Empty 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Empty 7 Empty 8 Empty 9 Interior/instrument F1, interior/right front 2, and interior/left front B2 10 Interior/rear bumper 3 11 Empty 12 Empty 13 Empty 14 Empty 15 Empty 16 Empty 17 Empty 18 Interior/instrument F14 1 Empty 2 Interior/right rear 7 3 Interior/right rear 14 4 Ground G308 5 Ground G308 6 Interior/left rear14 7 Interior/left rear7 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Empty 11 PF3 12 Terminal 5# of right rear tail lamp and terminal 5# of left rear tail lamp 13 Empty 1 Empty 2 Interior/rear bumper 6 3 Interior/rear bumper 1 4 Interior/right rear 1 5 Interior/right front 11 6 Interior/right front 3, interior/right rear 3, interior/left front B3, and interior/left rear3 7 Interior/right rear 5 120 8 Interior/left rear 5 and interior/left front A8 9 Interior/right front 6 10 Interior/left rear 的 6# 11 Interior/right rear 6 12 Interior/trunk 3, interior/right front 18, and interior/left front A16 13 Interior/trunk 5 and terminal 2# of trunk lamp 14 Empty 15 Terminal 3# of right rear tail lamp, terminal 3# of left tail lamp, and terminal 2# of high mounted brake lamp 16 Interior/right rear 11, interior/right front 5, interior/left front A10, and interior/left rear 11 17 Interior/right rear 8 18 Interior/right front 22 19 Interior/right front 14, interior/right rear 10, interior/left front B10, and interior/left rear 10 20 Interior/right rear 12 21 Interior/left rear 12 and interior/left front A19 22 Interior/right front 17 23 Interior/right front 7 24 18 Interior/right front Empty 25 Empty 26 Terminal 2# of right rear tail lamp and CE G15 1 Empty 2 Interior/instrument F1, terminal 9 of PE3 of rear BCM, and interior/left front B2 3 Interior/left rear 3, interior/right rear 3, interior/left front B3, and interior/instrument E6 4 Interior/left front B4, CE C3 5 Interior/left rear 11, interior/right rear 11, interior/left front A10, and interior/instrument E16 6 Interior/instrument E9 7 Interior/instrument E23 8 Interior/instrument D8 121 18 19 9 Interior/instrument D15 10 Interior/instrument D6 11 Interior/instrument E5 12 Interior/right rear 4, interior/left rear 4, and interior/left front A22 13 Empty 14 Interior/left rear 10, interior/right rear 10, interior/left front B10, and interior/instrument E19 15 Ground G310 16 CE G15, interior/instrument E26, and terminal 2# of right rear tail lamp 17 Interior/instrument E22 18 Interior/trunk 3, interior/instrument E12, and interior/left front A16 19 Terminal 1# of trunk lamp, interior/instrument D7, interior/ceiling 4, terminal 2# of left rear reading lamp, interior/left front A15, terminal 2# of right rear reading lamp, and interior/instrument A21 20 Interior/instrument D5 21 Ground G310 22 Interior/instrument E18 1 Ground G310 2 Ground G310 3 Terminal 7# of left rear tail lamp, terminal 7# of right rear tail lamp, and interior/rear bumper 9 4 Terminal 6# of left rear tail lamp, terminal 6# of right rear tail lamp, and interior/rear bumper 7 5 Interior/right front 20 6 Interior/right front 10 7 Terminal 1# of trunk lamp, terminal 2# of right rear reading lamp, interior/ceiling 4, terminal 2# of left rear reading lamp, interior/left front A15, interior/right front 19, and interior/instrument A21 8 Interior/right front 8 9 Empty 10 Empty 11 Empty 12 Empty Interior/right front Interior/instrument D 122 20 21 21 Interior/right rear Right seat heating device Right seat heating device 13 Empty 14 Empty 15 Interior/right front 9 1 Interior/instrument E4 2 Ground G310 3 Interior/right front 3, interior/left rear3, interior/left front B3, and interior/instrument E6 4 Interior/left rear 4, interior/right front 12, and interior/left front A22 5 Interior/instrument E7 6 Interior/instrument E11 7 Terminal 2 of PP8 of rear BCM 8 Interior/instrument E17 9 Empty 10 Interior/right front 14, interior/left rear 10, interior/left front B10, and interior/instrument E19 11 Interior/left rear 11, interior/right front 5, interior/left front A10, and interior/instrument E16 12 Interior/instrument E20 13 Ground G310 14 Terminal 3 of PP8 of rear BCM 1 Interior/instrument B14 2 Ground G310 3 Left seat heater, terminal 3# of electric regulating device and CE L16 4 Empty 5 Empty 1 Ground G307 2 Terminal 1# of trunk lamp, interior/instrument D7, interior/ceiling 4, terminal 2# of left rear reading lamp, interior/left front A15, interior/right front 19, and interior/instrument A21 22 Right rear reading lamp 23 Negative pole of rear windshield heater 24 Right rear wheel speed sensor 1 Terminal 10# of ABS 2 Terminal 11# of ABS 35 Low speaker B 1 Instrument/interior (audio-red) Ground G311 123 36 37 38 (coatrack) 2 Instrument/interior (audio-white) Left rear wheel speed sensor 1 Terminal 35# of ABS 2 Terminal 36# of ABS 1 Interior/instrument A13 2 Ground G306 3 CE C4 4 Ground G305 1 CE C8 2 Ground G307 3 Interior/instrument A3 4 Interior/instrument B4 5 Interior/ceiling 12 6 Interior/ceiling 11 1 Ground G307 2 Terminal 1# of trunk lamp, interior/instrument D7, interior/ceiling 4, terminal 2# of right rear reading lamp, interior/left front A15, interior/right front 19, and interior/instrument A21 Oil pump harness connector Sunroof module 39 Left rear reading lamp 40 Positive pole of rear windshield heater 41 42 43 44 Low speaker (coatrack) A Interior/instrument F16 1 Interior/instrument A25 2 Ground G307 3 Interior/instrument C9, and antenna A of radio and GPS antenna 1 Terminal 2# of right rear reading lamp, interior/instrument D7, interior/ceiling 4, terminal 2# of left rear reading lamp, interior/left front A15, interior/right front 19, and interior/instrument A21 2 Interior/trunk 5 and interior/instrument E13 1 Ground G307 2 Interior/instrument E15 1 Terminal 9 of PE3 of rear BCM, interior/right front 2, and interior/left front B2 2 Terminal 3# of anti-theft horn and interior/ceiling 1 3 Interior/ceiling 9 4 CE C2, interior/instrument F17 5 Terminal 1# of anti-theft horn Trunk lamp High mounted brake lamp Interior/instrument F 124 45 46 Interior/instrument B Interior/left front B 6 CE L1, interior/rear bumper 5 and terminal 4# of left rear tail lamp 7 Interior/left front B1 8 Interior/left front A7 9 Terminal 3# of front wiper motor 10 Terminal 2# of front wiper motor 11 Interior/left front B5 12 Terminal 2# of left rear tail lamp, interior/left front A21, and CE G13 13 Interior/left front A6 14 Terminal 18 of PE3 of rear BCM 15 CE G2 16 Positive pole of rear windshield heater 17 CE C2 and interior/instrument F4 18 CE G14 19 Terminal 4# of right rear tail lamp and CE L2 20 Interior/left front B6 21 Interior/left front A18 22 Front/interior 4 23 Terminal 1# of front wiper motor 24 Interior/left front B12 25 CE G16 26 Interior/left front A17 1 Empty 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 Terminal 4# of sunroof module 5 CE G4 6 CE G5 7 CE L11 8 Empty 9 CE C5 10 Interior/left front A2 11 CE C6 12 CE L14 13 CE L15 14 Terminal 1# of right seat heating device 15 Left seat heater, terminal 1# of electric regulating device 1 interior/instrument F7 2 Interior/instrument F1, interior/right front 2, and terminal 9 of PE3 of rear BCM 125 46 47 Interior/left front B Interior/instrument A 3 Interior/right front 3, interior/right rear 3, interior/left rear3, and interior/instrument E6 4 Interior/right front 4 and CE C3 5 Interior/instrument F11 6 Interior/instrument F20 7 Empty 8 Empty 9 Empty 10 Interior/right front 14, interior/right rear 10, interior/left rear10, and interior/instrument E19 11 Ground G305 12 Interior/instrument F24 1 Terminal 5# of interior/instrument A10 2 Interior/ceiling 7 3 Terminal 3# of sunroof module 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Empty 7 Interior/left front A9 8 Empty 9 Terminal 6# of interior/instrument A14 10 Interior/instrument A1 and terminal 5# of ABS module 11 Terminal 1# of driver’s seat belt switch 12 Terminal 1# of brake fluid level switch 13 Terminal 1# of oil pump harness connector 14 Terminal 6# of ABS, interior/instrument A9 15 Terminal 29# of ABS 16 Terminal 31# of ABS 17 interior/left front A3 18 interior/left front A14 19 interior/left front A4 20 interior/left front A20 ABS ABS and and 126 48 48 49 Interior/instrument C Interior/instrument C Interior/left front A 21 Terminal 1# of trunk lamp, interior/instrument D7, interior/ceiling 4, terminal 2# of left rear reading lamp, interior/left front A15, interior/right front 19, and terminal 2# of right rear reading lamp 22 Interior/trunk 6 23 CE L13 24 CE L12 25 Terminal 1# of low speaker A (coatrack) 26 Interior/left front A5 1 Interior/instrument C3 and CE C1 2 CE G21 3 Interior/instrument C1 and CE C1 4 CE G18 and CE G17 5 CE G6 6 Empty 7 Empty 8 Interior/ceiling 8 9 Terminal 3# of low speaker A (coatrack) 10 Interior/left rear1 11 Interior/left front A1 12 Interior/ceiling 5 13 CE G1 14 Front/interior 3 15 Empty 16 Empty 17 Empty 18 Empty 19 Interior/ceiling 3 20 Empty 21 Interior/left rear 8 22 Interior/left front A12 1 Interior/instrument C11 2 Interior/instrument B10 3 Interior/instrument A17 4 Interior/instrument A19 5 Interior/instrument A26 6 Interior/instrument F13 7 Interior/instrument F8 8 Interior/instrument E8 and interior/left rear 5 9 Interior/instrument A7 127 50 Interior/left rear 10 Interior/right rear 11, interior/right front 5, interior/left rear11, and interior/instrument E16 11 Empty 12 Interior/instrument C22 13 Ground G305 14 Interior/instrument A18 15 Terminal 1# of trunk lamp, interior/instrument D7, interior/ceiling 4, terminal 2# of left rear reading lamp, terminal 2# of right rear reading lamp, interior/right front 19, and interior/instrument A21 16 Interior/trunk 3, interior/instrument E12, and interior/right front 18 17 Interior/instrument F26 18 Interior/instrument F21 19 Interior/instrument E21 and interior/left rear 12 20 Interior/instrument A20 21 Terminal 2# of left rear tail lamp, interior/instrument F12, and CE G13 22 Interior/right rear 4, interior/right front 12, and interior/left rear 4 1 Interior/instrument C10 2 Ground G305 3 Interior/right front 3, interior/right rear 3, interior/left front B3, and interior/instrument E6 4 Interior/right rear 4, interior/right front 12, and interior/left front A22 5 Interior/instrument E8 and interior/left front A8 6 Interior/instrument E10 7 Terminal 7 of PP8 of rear BCM 8 Interior/instrument C21 9 Empty 10 Interior/right front 14, interior/right rear 10, interior/left front B10, and interior/instrument E19 11 Interior/right rear 11, interior/right rear 5, interior/left front A10, and interior/instrument E16 128 51 12 Interior/instrument E21 and interior/left front A19 13 Ground G305 14 Terminal 6 of PP8 of rear BCM 1 Interior/instrument F2 2 Ground G306 3 Interior/instrument C19 4 Terminal 1# of trunk lamp, interior/instrument D7, terminal 2# of right rear reading lamp, terminal 2# of left rear reading lamp, interior/left front A15, interior/right front 19, and interior/instrument A21 5 Interior/instrument C12 6 Empty 7 Interior/instrument A2 8 Interior/instrument C8 9 Interior/instrument F3 10 Ground G305 11 Terminal 6# of sunroof module 12 Terminal 5# of sunroof module Interior/ceiling 52 PP6 of front BCM 1 Ground G302 53 PP7 of front BCM 1 PF6 1 Interior/instrument F23 2 Interior/instrument F10 3 Interior/instrument F9 4 Ground G305 1 Interior/instrument A12 2 Ground G302 1 Interior/instrument F5 2 Ground G302 3 Interior/instrument F2 54 55 56 Front wiper motor Brake fluid level switch Anti-theft horn 57 PF6 PP7 of front BCM 58 PF5 Front/interior 1 and front/interior 2 59 PF3 Terminal 11 of PP8 of rear BCM Note: In all diagrams of harness above, the black or stroke or bias in the connector of harness means that the terminal is Empty. See the following 3 examples. 129 Left front door touch switch 1 4 Right rear door touch switch 4 1 EMS (engine control unit) 130


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